Browsing by Author "Rodrigues, J."
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- CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR REPERTOIRE REFLECTS MATURE T-CELL LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER CLINICAL PRESENTATIONPublication . Moura, J.; Rodrigues, J.; Santos, A.; Teixeira, M.; Queirós, M.; Santos, M.; Gonçalves, M.; Fonseca, S.; Laranjeira, C.; Ribeiro, F.; Acosta, M.; Rodrigues, A.; Júnior, E.; Lima, M.The World Health Organisation classification of mature T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, combines clinical, morphological and immunophenotypic data. The later majorly contributes for the classification, as well as to the understanding of the malignant T-cell behaviour. The fact that T-cell migration is regulated by chemokines should, in theory, enable us to identify tissue tropism and organ involvement by neoplastic Tcells, through monitoring of chemokine receptor surface expression.
- Dores de CrescimentoPublication . Oliveira, S.F.; Rodrigues, J.; Rodrigues, L.; Santos, M.RESUMO Introdução: As dores de crescimento são uma entidade comum na prática pediátrica. Objectivos: O presente trabalho tem como objectivo fazer uma revisão bibliográfica actual sobre a etiologia, apresentação clínica, diagnóstico, diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento das dores de crescimento. Desenvolvimento: Apesar das dores de crescimento terem sido descritas pela primeira vez na literatura médica há 188 anos, até ao momento ainda não é conhecida a sua causa, mas parece que não existe relação entre esta condição e o crescimento. Apresentam-se, geralmente, em crianças entre os três e os 12 anos de idade. Caracterizam-se por dor nos membros inferiores, de tipo simétrico, predomínio nocturno e de curta duração. O seu diagnóstico é clínico e devem excluir-se outras patologias, como por exemplo, tumores ou infecções. Os exames laboratoriais assim como os de imagiologia, quando solicitados, são sempre normais, pelo que qualquer alteração encontrada em algum deles deve fazer pensar noutra patologia. Uma vez estabelecido o diagnóstico, o tratamento deve orientar-se por medidas conservadoras, tais como, massagens, aplicação de calor nas zonas dolorosas ou analgésicos. Conclusões: O conhecimento das características desta entidade assume importância em Pediatria para que sejam evitados erros de diagnóstico. ABSTRACT Introduction: Growing pains are a frequent problem in pediatric practice. Objectives: We aim to review current literature on the etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of growing pains. Development: Despite first reported in medical literature 188 years ago, until now, the etiology still remains unknown, nevertheless it seems there is no relation with growth. Growing pains usually present in children between three and 12 years of age. This entity is characterized by bilateral, symmetrical, short duration, lower extremity pain, usually during the night. Diseases such as cancer or infections must be excluded before a diagnosis is made. Laboratory and imaging studies are always normal but, if abnormal, further investigation should be prompt. Treatment is based on conservative measures, such as massage, heat application on painful areas or analgesics. Conclusions: Knowledge of the characteristics of this entity is important in Pediatrics to avoid possible misdiagnosis.
- Expressão dos recetores de quimiocinas, CXCR3 e CCR5, nas células natural killer do sangue de cordão umbilicalPublication . Bini-Antunes, M.; Leander, M.; Rebelo, R.; Benevides, P.; Santos, A.; Rodrigues, J.; Oliveira, L.; Queirós, M.; Santos, M.; Gonçalves, M.; Fonseca, S.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Lima, M.
- KIT D816V Positive Acute Mast Cell Leukemia Associated with Normal Karyotype Acute Myeloid LeukemiaPublication . Lopes, M.; Teixeira, M.; Casais, C.; Mesquita, V.; Seabra, P.; Cabral, R.; Palla-Garcia, J.; Lau, C.; Rodrigues, J.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Freitas, I.; Vizcaíno, J.; Coutinho, J.; Escribano, L.; Orfao, A.; Lima, M.Introduction: Mast cell (MC) leukemia (MCL) is extremely rare. We present a case of MCL diagnosed concomitantly with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML). Case Report: A 41-year-old woman presented with asthenia, anorexia, fever, epigastralgia, and diarrhea. She had a maculopapular skin rash, hepatosplenomegaly, retroperitoneal adenopathies, pancytopenia, 6% blast cells (BC) and 20% MC in the peripheral blood, elevated lactate dehydrogenase, cholestasis, hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and increased serum tryptase (184 μg/L). The bone marrow (BM) smears showed 24% myeloblasts, 17% promyelocytes, and 16% abnormal toluidine blue positive MC, and flow cytometry revealed 12% myeloid BC, 34% aberrant promyelocytes, a maturation blockage at the myeloblast/promyelocyte level, and 16% abnormal CD2-CD25+ MC. The BM karyotype was normal, and the KIT D816V mutation was positive in BM cells. The diagnosis of MCL associated with AML was assumed. The patient received corticosteroids, disodium cromoglycate, cladribine, idarubicin and cytosine arabinoside, high-dose cytosine arabinoside, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The outcome was favorable, with complete hematological remission two years after diagnosis and one year after HSCT. Conclusions: This case emphasizes the need of an exhaustive laboratory evaluation for the concomitant diagnosis of MCL and AML, and the therapeutic options.
- Mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute basilar occlusion using stent retrieversPublication . Carneiro, A.; Rodrigues, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, J.; Xavier, J.Early arterial recanalisation with stent retrievers (SR) has been recently demonstrated to improve clinical outcome of patients with large-vessel occlusion of the anterior circulation. However, the benefit of SR thrombectomy in the setting of acute basilar artery occlusion (BAO) has not been proven yet. This study evaluated a series of consecutive patients with BAO treated with SR, focusing on the efficacy, safety and clinical results.
- Perceptions in Living Kidney Donation: What ProtagonistsThink and FeelPublication . Frade, I.C.; Lopes, A.; Teixeira, L.; Rodrigues, J.; Almeida, M.; Dias, L.; Henriques, A.C.Abstract Background Although donor perceptions of donation have been evaluated in several programs, evaluation of associated recipients has not been as frequent. Purpose Our aim was to evaluate and compare after transplantation, donor and recipient perceptions of donation. Methods After transplantation 35 recipients and 45 donors completed a sociodemographic and a donation perception questionnaire. We applied the Fisher test to descriptive (absolute and relative frequency) data. Results 57.8% of donors were female and 62.9% of recipients male. 53.3% of donors were siblings, 44.5% parents, and 2.2% a daughter. Most recipients (71.9%) thought that the donation was the donors' initiative and 21.9% that it was suggested by medical team. 96.4% responded that it was the donor's wish that determined their decision; 51.4% had serious or some doubts about accepting the option, but for 48.6% it was an easy decision. Among the donors, 88.9% decided by themselves and 8.9% were asked for donation. For 91.1%, their wish was the main reason of the decision, but 8.9% felt a moral obligation; 77.8% thought it was an easy decision, and 17.8% hesitated a little 84.4% were not worried about their future health. Conclusions Altruistic motivations were predominant in both groups. Most recipients thought that the motivation for donation was self-determined, a finding that agreed with donor perceptions. Perceptions about the quality of and changes in emotional relationship were the same in both groups. Donors and recipients referred to the donation process as positive, but there were some negative emotions and perceptions.
- Pott’s Puffy Tumor Caso ClínicoPublication . Ramalho, A.; Faro, A.; Silva, G.; Rodrigues, J.; Duarte, C.RESUMO A osteomielite do osso frontal, também conhecida como tumor de Pott, é uma complicação rara da sinusite frontal. Manifesta-se mais vezes na adolescência e geralmente quando há envolvimento intracraniano, em particular por um quadro meníngeo, que pode ter uma evolução insidiosa. Relata-se o caso de um adolescente de 12 anos com uma apresentação atípica.
- Recetores de citoxicidade natural nas células natural killer do sangue periféricoPublication . Santos, M.; Santos, A.; Oliveira, L.; Fonseca, S.; Rodrigues, J.; Gonçalves, M.; Queirós, M.; Leander, M.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Lima, M.
- Teste da eosina-5-maleimida (EMA), para o diagnóstico de esferocitose hereditária: experiência do Laboratório de Citometria de fluxo do Centro Hospitalar do PortoPublication . Queirós, M.; Antas, P.; Rocha, S.; Leander, M.; Freitas, I.; Cleto, E.; Barbot, J.; Rodrigues, J.; Gonçalves, M.; Santos, M.; Santos, A.; Oliveira, L.; Fonseca, S.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Pinho, L.; Santos-Silva, A.; Lima, M.