Case report: The authors present the case of a 15-year-old adolescent boy with occipital spur noticed since the previous year and with progressive enlargement. No history of trauma or other associated symptoms was evident. Physical examination showed a hard tumefaction with no inflammatory signs and x-ray revealed occipital hyperostosis. The boy spent most free time playing with mobile gadgets, with poor body posture.
Discussion/Conclusion: Although considered a normal feature, occipital spur in adolescents and young adults may be linked to poor posture, for instance associated with prolonged use of handheld technology. Exaggerated technology use may be associated with several complaints and musculoskeletal symptoms should not be neglected.
enthesophyte hyperostosis occipital bone technology
Gonçalo AL, Almeida R, Pereira M, Nascer e Crescer - Birth and Growth Medical Journal 2020;29(3): 162-164. doi:10.25753/BirthGrowthMJ.v29.i3.19083
Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto