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The "ex vivo" patterns of CD2/CD7, CD57/CD11c, CD38/CD11b, CD45RA/CD45RO, and CD11a/HLA‐DR expression identify acute/early and chronic/late NK‐cell activation states.

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Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2002 Mar-Apr;28(2):181-90. The "ex vivo" patterns of CD2/CD7, CD57/CD11c, CD38/CD11b, CD45RA/CD45RO, and CD11a/HLA-DR expression identify acute/early and chronic/late NK-cell activation states. Lima M, Almeida J, dos Anjos Teixeira M, Queirós ML, Justiça B, Orfão A. Service of Clinical Hematology, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto, Portugal. Abstract To define a dynamic sequence of phenotypic changes related to early and late phases of NK-cell activation, we have analyzed by four-color flow cytometry the immunophenotype of normal blood NK-cells from 12 healthy individuals and compared it with those from 15 patients with acute viral infections and 15 patients with either chronic infections or tumors. Although a great interindividual variability was found, nonstimulated CD56(+) NK-cells, present in normal blood samples, usually were CD2(-/+lo), CD7(+hi), HLA-DR(-), CD11b(+), CD38(+), CD11a(+hi), CD45RA(+hi), and CD45RO(-), the expression of CD11c and CD57 being heterogeneous and variable. Recently activated NK-cells, herein corresponding to NK-cells from patients with acute viral infections, displayed a pattern of expression of CD2/CD7 similar to that referred to above, but they typically showed higher levels of CD11a, CD38, and HLA-DR, as well as downregulation of CD11b and CD45RA, accompanied in some cases by coexpression of CD45RO; in addition, these NK-cells were CD11c(+) and CD57(-/+lo). Late-activated NK-cells, represented by NK-cells present in patients with chronic infections and tumors, converted into a CD2(+hi)/CD7(-/+lo) immunophenotype and expressed heterogeneously low levels of CD38 and CD11b; moreover, they were CD57(+) and CD11c(-/+). At this stage, most NK-cells had already reverted into their original CD45RA(+)/CD45RO(-)/HLA-DR(-) phenotype. In summary, we show that the patterns of expression of CD2/CD7, CD57/CD11c, CD38/CD11b, CD45RA/CD45RO, and CD11a/HLA-DR may help us to define the immunophenotypic profiles associated with early and late NK-cell activation phases in 'in vivo' models. PMID: 12064914 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




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