Pereira, F.2011-06-012011-06-012010Nascer e Crescer 2010; 19(1): 48-490872-0754 A case of a fourteen years old boy with complaints of dispepsia in the last 2 months associated with anorexia end weight loss is presented. He had frequent bowel movements (4-5 times a day), some during the night, for the last one and a half year. He presented hypocromic microcytic anemia with low serum iron and ferritin, and elevated values of ESR and PCR. The upper digestive endoscopy showed ulcerative esophagitis with inflammatory infiltrate of the mucosa, with the participation of lymphocytes, plasmocytes and neutrophils but without eosinophils. Colonoscopy and colon biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of Crohn colitis. Diagnosis: Crohn disease with esophageal lesions.porEsophagitisCrohn diseaseCaso endoscópico: Doença de CrohnEndoscopic case: Crohn disease with esophageal lesionsjournal article