Fernandes, I.Sanches, M.Alves, R.Selores, M.2012-12-262012-12-262012An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87(6):933-50365-0596http://hdl.handle.net/10400.16/1351Abstract We report a clinical case of a rare variant of pemphigus - pemphigus herpetiformis - which combines the clinical features of dermatitis herpetiformis with the immunological findings of pemphigus. Due to its atypical presentation, it is frequently misdiagnosed as dermatitis herpetiformis. It is basically characterized by the herpetiform pattern of skin lesions, severe pruritus and by the presence of eosinophilic spongiosis confirmed on histopathology. We call attention to the excellent response to dapsone.engCase for diagnosisjournal article