Torres, T.Fernandes, I.Caetano, M.Costa, V.Selores, M.2011-06-012011-06-012010Nascer e Crescer 2010; 19(1): 44-450872-0754 Hutchinson’s sign is characterized by extension of brown-black pigment from the nail bed, matrix, and nail plate onto the adjacent cuticle and proximal and/or lateral nailfolds. It is an important indicator of subungual melanoma. However, experience has demonstrated that Hutchinson’s sign, although valuable, is not an infallible predictor of melanoma. In fact, periungual pigmentation may be caused by a variety of benign disorders (pseudo-HS) and is not pathognomonic of melanoma. The authors present the clinical case of subungual melanocytic nevus with pseudo-Hutchinson sign in a seven year-old boy. He presented with subungual pigmentation of the second toe of the left foot, associated with periungual pigmentation compatible with Hutchinson sign. However, the biopsy of the lesion revealed a melanocytic nevus. Diagnosis: Subungual melanocytic nevus with pseudo-Hutchinson signporpseudo-Hutchinson signperiungual hyperpigmentationmelanocytic nevussubungual melanomaCaso dermatológico: Nevo melanocítico subungueal com pseudo-sinal de HutchinsonDermatology case: Subungual melanocytic nevus with pseudo-Hutchinson signjournal article