Cervera, R.Abarca-Costalago, M.Abramovicz, D.Allegri, F.Annunziata, P.Ayditung, A.Bacarelli, M.Bellisai, F.Bernardino, I.BIERNAT‐KALUZA, M.BLOCKMANS, D.BOKI, K.BRACCI, L.Campanella, V.Camps, M.Carcassi, C.Cattaneo, R.Cauli, A.Chwalinska‐Sadowska, H.Contu, I.Cosyns, J.Danieli, M.D'cruz, D.Depresseux, G.Direskeneli, H.Domènech, I.Fernández‐Nebro, A.Ferrara, G.Font, J.Frutos, M.Galeazzi, M.García‐Carrasco, M.García-Iglesias, M.García‐Tobaruela, A.George, J.Gil, A.González‐Santos, P.Grana, M.Gül, A.Haga, H.De Haro‐Liger, M.Houssiau, F.Hughes, G.Ingelmo, M.Jedryka‐Góral, A.khamashta, M.Lavilla, P.Levi, Y.López‐Dupla, M.López‐Soto, A.Maldykowa, H.Marcolongo, R.Mathieu, A.Morozzi, G.Nicolopoulou, N.Papasteriades, C.Passiu, G.Perelló, I.Petera, P.Petrovic, R.Piette, J.Pintado, V.De Pita, O.Popovic, R.Pucci, G.Puddu, P.De Ramón, E.Ramos‐Casals, M.Rodríguez‐Andreu, J.Ruiz‐Irastroza, G.Sánchez‐Lora, J.Sanna, G.Scorza, R.Sebastini, G.Sherer, Y.Shoenfeld, Y.Simpatico, A.Sinico, R.Smolen, J.Tincani, A.Tokgöz, G.Urbanomárquez, A.Vasconcelos, C.Vázquez, J.Veronesi, M.Vianni, J.Vivancos, J.2011-01-202011-01-202006-03Autoimmun Rev. 2006 Mar;5(3):180-6http://hdl.handle.net/10400.16/524The bEuro-Lupus CohortQ is composed by 1000 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that have been followed prospectively since 1991. These patients have been gathered by a European consortium—the bEuro-Lupus Project GroupQ. This consortium was originated as part of the network promoted by the bEuropean Working Party on SLEQ, a working group created in 1990 in order to promote research in Europe on the different problems related to this disease. The bEuro-Lupus CohortQ provides an updated information on the SLE morbidity and mortality characteristics in the present decade as well as defines several clinical and immunological prognostic factorsengEpidemiologyMorbidityMortalityPrognostic factorsSystemic lupus erythematosusSystemic lupus erythematosus in Europe at the change of the millennium:Lessons from the "Euro-Lupus Cohort"journal article