Alves, Duarte GilSousa, JessicaRodrigues, CatarinaSilva, SaraRibeiro, RĂ³mulo2024-06-172024-06-172023Alves DG, Sousa J, Rodrigues C, Silva S, Ribeiro R. Primary Petit Hernia: From Diagnosis to Open Surgical Approach. Cureus. 2023;15(3):e35789. doi:10.7759/cureus.357892168-8184 hernias are quite rare, even more so when primary or of spontaneous nature. These defects in the lumbar region demand a comprehensive knowledge of the anatomy of the lateral abdominal wall and paraspinal muscles. Given the proximity of bone structures, they can pose a surgical challenge when trying to achieve an ideal dissection and appropriate mesh overlap. The authors report the case of a primary Petit's hernia that underwent an open anterior surgical approach with the use of a preperitoneal mesh. In addition to the described surgical technique, the article also aims to detail the diagnosis and anatomic classification of this rare pathology.engabdominal hernialumbar herniaopen hernia surgerypetit's herniaprimary lumbar herniasurgical meshPrimary Petit Hernia: From Diagnosis to Open Surgical Approachjournal article10.7759/cureus.35789