Oliveira, A.Sanches, M.Selores, M.2012-09-132012-09-132012-03Nascer e Crescer 2012; 21(1): 57-580872-0754http://hdl.handle.net/10400.16/1313ABSTRACT Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS) is a disease characterized by a symmetrical erythematopapulous, acral-based eruption. It affects mainly children under four years of age. In most cases a relationship with a viral infection or a vaccine can be established. The course of GCS is benign and self-limited, the manifestations disappearing within two to eight weeks, with no recurrence. We report the case of a five year-old girl who developed a Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome after an upper respiratory infection.porGianotti-Crosti syndromepapular acrodermatitis of childhoodCaso dermatológico: Síndrome de Gianotti-CrostiDermatology case: Gianotti-Crosti syndromejournal article