Pinto-Almeida, T.Selores, M.2012-08-282012-08-282011-12Nascer e Crescer 2011; 20(4): 288-2890872-0754 two year-old girl presented with an erythematous scaly patch on the right axilla that had grown centrifugally over the past three months. She had atopic eczema, for which she applied topical corticosteroids during flares. Her mother had a similar lesion on the abdominal wall, and both of them were applying the same topical steroid. Microscopic evaluation and culture of both skin samples confi rmed the clinical suspicion of tinea incognito. The clinical features, diagnostic procedures and treatment of this pathological entity are discussed.porDermatophytosissuperficial fungal infectiontinea incognitoCaso dermatológico: Tinea incognitoDermatology case: Tinea incognitojournal article