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  • Geriatric otorhinolaryngology: reasons for outpatient referrals from generalists to ENT specialists
    Publication . Alves, Clara Serdoura; Santos, Mariline; Castro, Afonso; Lino, João; Freitas, Susana Vaz; Almeida e Sousa, Cecília; da Silva, Álvaro Moreira
    Purpose: To determine the main symptoms leading to referral of geriatric patients from primary care to otorhinolaryngology. Methods: Retrospective, observational study performed on patients aged 65 and older, referred from Primary Care to the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery department of a tertiary centre during 2019 and 2020. Symptoms leading to otorhinolaryngological referral were categorized as "Oto-neurological symptoms", "Nasal symptoms", "Pharyngolaryngeal symptoms", "Other Head and Neck symptoms" and "Other Reasons". Data regarding age, gender and whether patients maintain follow-up or have been discharged was also collected. Results: The study population included a total of 1304 patients (697 female; 607 male). Oto-neurological symptoms were found to be the most prevalent symptoms, with 65% of patients reporting oto-neurological symptoms as at least one of the reasons for referral. Hearing loss was the most commonly reported symptom, with an association found between this symptom and age (p < 0.001). Results also showed an association between the female gender and vertigo/dizziness (p < 0.001) and tinnitus (p = 0.007). An association between the male gender and nasal symptoms was also found (p = 0.018), particularly nasal obstruction (p = 0.003) and epistaxis (p = 0.028). No statistically significant associations were found among the pharyngolaryngeal group. Conclusions: This retrospective observational study allowed for a better understanding of the type of otorhinolaryngological symptoms affecting elderly patients and driving otorhinolaryngology evaluation, cementing hearing loss as one of the major complaints among older adults and allowing for a better preparation by otorhinolaryngologists for the changing needs of this subset of the population.
  • Olfactory Cleft Length: A Possible Risk Factor for Persistent Post-COVID-19 Olfactory Dysfunction
    Publication . Sousa, Francisco Alves De; Tarrio, João; Sousa-Machado, André; Costa, Joana Raquel; Pinto, Catarina; Nóbrega Pinto, Ana; Moreira, Bruno; Meireles, Luís
    Introduction: To date, little is known about predisposing factors for persistent COVID-19-induced olfactory dysfunction (pCIOD). The objective was to determine whether olfactory cleft (OC) measurements associate with pCIOD risk. Material and methods: Three subgroups were recruited: group A included patients with pCIOD, group B included patients without olfactory dysfunction following SARS-CoV-2 infection (ntCIOD), and group C consisted in controls without past history of SARS-CoV-2 infection (noCOVID-19). Olfactory perception threshold (OPT) and visual analog scale for olfactory impairment (VAS-olf) were obtained. OC measurements were obtained through computed tomography scans. Results were subsequently compared. Results: A total of 55 patients with a mean age of 39 ± 10 years were included. OPT was significantly lower in pCIOD patients (group A: 4.2 ± 2.1 vs. group B: 12.3 ± 1.8 and group C: 12.2 ± 1.5, p < 0.001). VAS-olf was significantly higher in pCIOD (group A: 6 ± 2.6 vs. group B: 1.7 ± 1.6 and group C: 1.6 ± 1.5, p < 0.001). OC length was significantly higher in group A (42.8 ± 4.6) compared to group B (39.7 ± 3.4, p = 0.047) and C (39.8 ± 4, p = 0.037). The odd of pCIOD occurring after COVID-19 infection increased by 21% (95% CI [0.981, 1.495]) for a one unit (mm) increase in OC length. The odd of pCIOD occurring was 6.9 times higher when OC length >40 mm. Conclusion: Longer OC may be a predisposing factor for pCIOD. This study is expected to encourage further research on OC morphology and its impact on olfactory disorders.
  • Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis and Voice Therapy: Predictors of Long-Term Quality of Life
    Publication . Sousa, Francisco Alves de; Santos, Mariline; Azevedo, Sara; Pinto, Ana; Freitas, Susana Vaz; Coutinho, Miguel; Almeida e Sousa, Cecília; Moreira da Silva, Álvaro
    To date, little is known about the long-term predictors of quality of life (QoL) in unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the predictors of long-term QoL in UVFP patients submitted to voice therapy (VT) exclusively. Data from patients diagnosed with UVFP who followed a VT program between 2013 and 2019 were reviewed. Video laryngoscopy (VL) records were obtained at the beginning and at the end of VT. To assess QoL, Voice Handicap Index 30 (VHI-30) score was assessed in three temporal frames: before voice therapy (pre-VT), at the last VT session (post-VT), and in the present (cur-VHI). A longitudinal analysis was performed regarding the evolution of QoL and the factors influencing QoL through time were analyzed. Seventy-eight percent of patients had iatrogenic UVFP. The mean time of follow-up after VT was 3.942 years (range 6 months-7 years). There was a significant improvement in QoL through all time points (F (2,88)=72.179, p<0.001), with VHI-30 decrease from the baseline pre-VT to post-VT(p<0.001) and from post-VT to cur-VT (p=0.0013). In the iatrogenic UVFP population, patients starting VT earlier showed better long-term QoL (p=0.023). UVFP patients with dysphagia at presentation showed significantly worse QoL in the late follow-up (p=0.016). Hence, iatrogenic UVFP patients beginning VT rapidly may show better QoL in the future. Also, our results suggest that dysphagia at UVFP onset may predict higher morbidity later in life.
  • Elective Revision Surgery in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Analysis at an Oncology Centre in Porto, Portugal
    Publication . Sousa-Machado, André; Monteiro, Eurico
    Introduction Elective revision surgery in head and neck cancer is crucial for refining and optimizing outcomes, ensuring complete tumor removal, and enhancing both functional and aesthetic aspects, ultimately improving the overall quality of life for patients. The aim of this study is to analyze the overall survival (OS) of head and neck cancer patients who underwent elective revision surgery with or without adjuvant treatment between 2019 and 2022, reflecting on the practice between those years in IPO-Porto, Porto, Portugal. Methods This study included 58 patients who underwent 116 major neck surgeries. Multidisciplinary head and neck follow-up records were obtained for every patient. Overall survival and disease-specific survival (DSS) curves were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and statistical significance was determined by the Log-Rank test. We did a retrospective study with an anterograde direction, evaluating the treatments that were previously done by the patients. Results The sample comprised 51 males (87.9%) and seven females (12.1%), with a mean age of 59.02±11.014 years. Head and neck pathology was mostly in the larynx (36.2%). The type of the first surgery was mainly directed to the primary tumor in 62.1% (n=36). In the other 37.9% (n=22), surgery was directed to the primary tumor in association with neck dissection. The type of the second surgery was mainly revision surgery. We found that T4 tumors (HR (hazard ratio) = 10.219, p = 0.006) and hypopharynx tumors (HR = 5.306, p =0.035) were significantly associated with inferior OS. Conclusion In our sample, we found that a T4 and a tumor located in the hypopharynx were significantly associated with inferior OS in elective head and neck oncologic revision surgery. Disease-free survival in patients undergoing revision surgery in our sample is generally poor. In our sample, there was a statistically significant difference in overall survival between the group who underwent surgery for microscopic evidence of persistent tumor (R1) versus clinical and imagiological tumoral persistency. In our sample, the time between the first and second surgeries wasn't linked with an inferior OS. Further studies with larger populations and prospective design, with longer follow-ups can be the road to a better understanding of this issue.
  • Laryngectomy: Phonation Alternatives and Their Impact on the Quality of Life
    Publication . Rodrigues, Ana; Sousa, Francisco Alves De; Casanova, Maria J; Silva, Ana; Feliciano, Telma; Freitas, Susana Vaz; Pinto, Ricardo; Lino, João
    Background The decision to consent to surgery is a life-changing moment. This study addresses the impact of total laryngectomy (TL) on phonation and its effect on the quality of life (QoL) of patients. The primary objective of this cohort study is to compare the alternatives in phonation rehabilitation, and the secondary objective is to identify concurrent predictors of vocal outcomes. Methodology To perform a comprehensive analysis, we reviewed data from patients who underwent TL with bilateral radical neck dissection in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António between January 2010 and October 2022. Adult patients who consented to participate in the study and underwent subjective evaluation were included in this study. Data regarding clinical history was primarily collected. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 26 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Different types of vocal rehabilitation formed the subgroups to be compared. An additional analysis was performed for baseline variables collected in the clinical records, and vocal outcomes were measured using the Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences After Laryngectomy (SECEL) questionnaire. Furthermore, linear models taking SECEL scores as the outcome were developed. Results The first search identified a total of 124 patients operated during the study period. In total, 63 patients were alive at the time of the current follow-up, with 61 deaths (49%). Overall, 26 of the 63 alive patients completed the SECEL questionnaire. All patients were male. The mean age at diagnosis was 62.2 ± 10.6 years. The mean age at the time of subjective vocal assessment with the SECEL questionnaire was 66.3 ± 10.4 years. The mean time of follow-up after the initial diagnosis was 4 ± 3.8 years. A statistically significant difference was observed in esophageal speech (ES), which was inferior to other modalities (mean SECEL total score for ES: 46.6 ± 12.2 vs. mean SECEL total score for all other modalities: 33 ± 15.1; p = 0.03). The follow-up time correlated significantly with vocal function, as measured by the SECEL questionnaire (p = 0.013). Conclusions The SECEL questionnaire can be a valuable tool to evaluate QoL in laryngectomy patients, given its usefulness in assessing the psychological impact derived from vocal functionality in this group. ES appears inferior to other modalities regarding voice-related QoL.
  • Effect of Anesthesia on Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Hemostasis: a State-of-the-Art Review
    Publication . Sousa-Machado, André
    Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is the gold standard for the management of chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyposis, and other pathology involving paranasal sinus as tumors. Intraoperative bleeding during ESS can be challenging due to the narrow sinonasal surgical field, single working hand, and the use of endoscopic instruments, which may affect hemostasis. There is a role for the type of anesthesia technique used for intraoperative bleeding control. Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) and inhalational anesthesia (IA) are some of the techniques available for anesthetic purposes. While both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, there is a need to compare their efficacy and safety to determine which technique is more appropriate for ESS. In this review, our main focus was to summarize the current evidence about the different techniques of anesthesia used during ESS. A systematic review of the PubMed/MEDLINE database was performed using specific English terms related to TIVA and IA/volatile anesthesia used during ESS. A total of 548 publications were considered. Among these, 329 studies did not fulfill the criteria for inclusion in the systematic review, resulting in the inclusion of only 132 publications: 13 systematic reviews, 32 reviews, 92 randomized controlled trials, and 13 meta-analyses. The state of the art favors the use of TIVA during ESS due to its significant improvement in the intraoperative surgical field with less blood loss. Further studies aim to compare long-term nasal status with objective tools, ideally in similar pathology with the same surgeon.
  • Nasal Polyposis and Serum Albumin: Systemic Effects of Local Inflammation
    Publication . Sousa-Machado, André; Rosa, Francisco; Silva, Ana; Meireles, Luis
    Introduction The genesis of chronic rhinosinusitis is always a topic of debate. A polyp is a pale, edematous tissue emerging mostly from the middle meatus. An epithelial injury caused by continuous inflammation of the nasal mucosa is considered to be a possible cause of the genesis of nasosinusal polyps. Objective To understand the link between serum albumin levels and nasal polyposis. Methods A retrospective study of 180 consecutive patients between January 2016 and January 2020 at our center. We then divided the patients into three age- and gender-matched groups: 60 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis, 60 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis, and a control group with 60 patients. No patient had a history of any pathology that could alter serum albumin. We then compared the level of serum albumin between the three groups. Results The group of patients with rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis consisted of 60 patients with a serum albumin value of 4.49 ± 0.29 g/dL, whereas in the control group, the serum albumin value was 4.67 ± 0.2 g/dL. We found a significant difference between the group with nasal polyposis and the other two groups evaluated: chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis (p<0.001) and the control group (p<0.001). Conclusions Lower levels of serum albumin can be seen in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis. Further studies should aim to apply its value since it is a non-expensive marker, to the follow-up of those patients or even to stratify them according to their endotype.
  • Visual Analog Scale and Olfactory Objective Tests in Hyposmia Patients: Is There a Link?
    Publication . Sousa-Machado, André; Sousa, Francisco Alves de; Silva, Ana; Meireles, Luís
    Introduction Olfactory dysfunction (OD) is often a devaluated sensorial affection. The objective evaluation of this dysfunction does not evaluate its compromise in patients' daily life. It is unclear to what extent there is a correlation between the objective evaluation of OD and patient-reported impairment. Objective We aim to search if Sniffin Sticks® correlates with the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) of Hyposmia Symptoms, and therefore if it is a useful method for clinical use. Methods A prospective study was carried out to evaluate and compare consecutive patients who had olfactory impairment due to COVID-19 that were referred to an otolaryngology office. The variables evaluated were gender, age, co-morbidities, and olfactory thresholds (measured according to Sniffin Sticks®). Patients were also enquired about their sense of impairment according to VAS from 1 (worst possible) to 10 (best possible). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 26). Normal distribution was checked using both skewness and kurtosis and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Pearson correlation test was used to seek a correlation between VAS and olfactory thresholds. All reported p-values are two-tailed, with a p-value ≤ 0.05 indicating statistical significance. Results Our sample of 47 patients was composed of 30 females (63.8%) and 17 females (36.2%). We found a mean variation between olfactory thresholds before and after the intervention of 3.91±2.466, and an average improvement of 2.29±2.93 in the visual analog scale for subjective evaluation of olfactory impairment. According to the Pearson correlation test, with 95% confidence, there is evidence to claim a moderate association (0.512) between an improvement in olfactory thresholds and VAS (p=0.05). Conclusions There was a moderate correlation between ratings and measures of olfactory function. On an individual basis, there were remarkable differences between measures and ratings of olfactory function. VAS should be considered in the evaluation of the hyposmic patient, due to its simplicity and quick applicability.
  • Intrasphenoidal Rathke’s Cleft Cyst: An Uncommon Feat
    Publication . Sousa-Machado, André; Silva, Ana; Sá Silva, José; Brandão, José R; Meireles, Luís
    Usually occurring entirely intrasellarly or extending suprasellarly (intra-suprasellar), Rathke's cleft cysts (RCCs) can present with an intrasphenoidal location. Extrasellar positions are rare. To date, only seven patients with intrasphenoidal RCC have been reported in the literature. Despite the rarity of the condition and the lack of pathognomonic radiological features, preoperative diagnosis remains challenging. A trans-sphenoidal approach can be adopted to treat this type of cyst, which has great clinical relevance. Awareness of this different presentation of RCC before respective management may be of value in its approach. Intrasphenoidal RCC should be diagnosed preoperatively and the surgical approach should be changed accordingly by aspiration and partial removal before the histological examination.
  • Bulletproof Temporal Bone: A Case of Self-Inflicted Ballistic Injury
    Publication . Casanova, Maria J; Tavares Correia, João; Lino, João; Magalhães, António; Meireles, Luis
    Temporal bone injuries due to gunshot wounds are uncommon but devastating, with a high risk of damage to critical neurovascular structures. The high resistance of the temporal bone, the densest bone in the human body, can sometimes avoid a fatal outcome. However, the complications are in many cases devastating and include hearing loss, facial paralysis, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, intracranial damage, and vascular injuries. Our goal was to report a case of ballistic injury to the temporal bone and describe the surgical approach taken for treatment. A 74-year-old man was transferred to the emergency room of our tertiary hospital, intubated and sedated, after an attempted suicide with a firearm. The CT scan showed the metal projectile lodged within the temporal bone on the right side, with the destruction of the ossicular chain and bony labyrinth. After stabilization, sedation was reversed, and the otolaryngology team was called. On examination, the entry wound was located in the cavum concha, with no active bleeding but presenting active otorrhea of cerebrospinal fluid. The patient had complete peripheral facial paralysis on the right side and spontaneous horizontal nystagmus toward the left side. Empirical antibiotic therapy was initiated. A subtotal petrosectomy was performed, with the removal of the foreign body, repair of the cerebrospinal fluid fistula, obliteration of the cavity with abdominal fat, and closure of the external auditory canal. He was discharged on the 11th-day post-surgery, maintaining complete facial paralysis and right-side anacusis, but was able to walk with assistance. In conclusion, penetrating trauma of the temporal bone is a potentially life-threatening situation, and patients that survive have a guarded prognosis, as it often leads to permanent sequelae even when managed promptly.