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O Edema Agudo Hemorrágico do Lactente é uma vasculite leucocitoclástica de etiologia desconhecida, que ocorre em lactentes e crianças pequenas. Caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento súbito e rápida progressão de lesões eritematosas e purpúricas associadas a edema das extremidades e febre. Trata-se de uma entidade pouco conhecida e subdiagnosticada, embora o quadro clínico seja típico.
Os autores descrevem dois casos clínicos observados no Serviço de Urgência, com apresentação clínica, laboratorial e evolução semelhantes. Pretendem dar a conhecer esta entidade, permitindo assim o seu rápido reconhecimento e evitando investigação e tratamento desnecessários.
Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis of unknown origin that occurs in infants and toddlers. It is characterized by exuberant and unexpected erythematous and purpuric skin lesions associated with extremity edema and fever. It is not very recognized or diagnosed, although the clinical features are quite typical. The authors describe two clinical cases observed in the emergency room with similar clinical presentation, laboratory findings and evolution. They intend to present this entity, allowing its quick recognition and avoiding and unnecessary investigations and treatments.
Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis of unknown origin that occurs in infants and toddlers. It is characterized by exuberant and unexpected erythematous and purpuric skin lesions associated with extremity edema and fever. It is not very recognized or diagnosed, although the clinical features are quite typical. The authors describe two clinical cases observed in the emergency room with similar clinical presentation, laboratory findings and evolution. They intend to present this entity, allowing its quick recognition and avoiding and unnecessary investigations and treatments.
edema agudo hemorrágico vasculite benigna lactente
Nascer e Crescer 2016; 25(4): 251-4