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We previously demonstrated that hypercorticalism induces pronounced
volumetric reductions in the rat medial prefrontal cortex
(mPFC) and that these structural changes correlate with deficits in
executive function. By applying 3-dimensional analysis of Golgi-
Cox--stained material, we now demonstrate that corticosteroids
can exert differential effects on dendritic arborizations of pyramidal
neurons in lamina II/III of the mPFC. Treatment with the glucocorticoid
receptor--selective agonist dexamethasone and with the
natural adrenosteroid, corticosterone (CORT), results in significant
reductions in the total length of apical dendrites in the pyramidal
neurons in lamina II/III of the anterior cingulate/prelimbic and
infralimbic cortices. Interestingly, although these treatments do not
affect the number of dendritic branches, they are associated with
impoverished arborizations in their distal portions and, in CORTtreated
animals, with increased branching in the middle portions of
the apical dendritic tree. Deprivation of corticosteroids by adrenalectomy
leads to decreases in total apical dendritic length and spine
number, but in this case, dendritic impoverishment was restricted
to the middle/proximal segments of the dendritic trees. None of
the treatments influenced the architecture of the basal dendrites.
These results add to our knowledge of the morphological substrates
through which corticosteroids may disrupt mPFC-dependent
adrenalectomy cingulate cortex corticosteroid dendritic morphology stress
Cerebral Cortex September 2007;17:1998--2006
Oxford University Press