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A Coleção Líquida Subaponevrótica (CLS) é uma tumefação craniana benigna e, provavelmente, subdiagnosticada, que surge poucas semanas após o nascimento.
Descreve-se o caso de uma lactente com antecedentes de parto distócico por ventosa e cefalohematoma occipitoparietal reabsorvido no período neonatal. Aos dois meses de idade, desenvolve, de novo, uma tumefação occipitoparietal direita de consistência mole e móvel nos planos superficiais, transluzente, indolor e sem sinais inflamatórios. Manteve-se clinicamente estável, sem outras alterações ao exame físico e no estudo analítico sumário. A ressonância magnética nuclear cranioencefálica evidenciou uma coleção líquida subgaleal. Foi postulado o diagnóstico de CLS e, com atitude conservadora expectante verificou-se reabsorção total após dois meses.
Apesar do impacto da sua apresentação clínica, trata-se de uma entidade benigna que os prestadores de cuidados de saúde devem estar aptos a identificar e orientar.
Subaponeurotic fluid collection (SFC) is a benign cranial swelling and, probably, underdiagnosed, which arises a few weeks after birth. We describe a case of an infant with a history of a vacuum delivery and a posterior cephalohematoma reabsorbed during the neonatal period. At two months of age, develops a soft, non-tender, translucent and painless right posterior swelling without any inflammatory signs. The infant remained clinically stable, without other changes on physical examination and summary analytical study. Cranial nuclear magnetic resonance showed a subgaleal fluid collection. The diagnosis of SFC was suported and a conservative attitude was decided, with full reversal two months after. Despite the impact of their clinical presentation, it is a benign entity that health care providers should be able to identify and manage.
Subaponeurotic fluid collection (SFC) is a benign cranial swelling and, probably, underdiagnosed, which arises a few weeks after birth. We describe a case of an infant with a history of a vacuum delivery and a posterior cephalohematoma reabsorbed during the neonatal period. At two months of age, develops a soft, non-tender, translucent and painless right posterior swelling without any inflammatory signs. The infant remained clinically stable, without other changes on physical examination and summary analytical study. Cranial nuclear magnetic resonance showed a subgaleal fluid collection. The diagnosis of SFC was suported and a conservative attitude was decided, with full reversal two months after. Despite the impact of their clinical presentation, it is a benign entity that health care providers should be able to identify and manage.
Coleção Líquida Subaponevrótica lactente tumefação craniana
Nascer e Crescer – Birth and Growth Medical Journal 2017; 26(2): 138-41
Centro Hospitalar do Porto