Browsing by Author "Cerveira, C."
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- Anti-Ro52 Antibodies and Interstitial Lung Disease in ConnectiveTissue Diseases Excluding SclerodermaPublication . Ferreira, J.; Almeida, I.; Marinho, A.; Cerveira, C.; Vasconcelos, C.The presence of anti-Ro52 antibodies has been reported in a wide variety of autoimmune diseases, particularly in myositis, scleroderma, and autoimmune liver diseases. Clinical significance of anti-Ro52 antibodies remains controversial, and studies are lacking for clarifying the association of anti-Ro52 with interstitial lung disease (ILD) in connective tissue diseases (CTD). Objectives. To determine if anti-Ro52 antibodies are associated with ILD in CTD other than scleroderma. Methods. Singlecenter, retrospective study based on immunoblotting panel analysis and patients clinical records. Results. In our connective tissue disease cohort, 162 patients had immunoblotting panels with anti-Ro52 reactivity analysis, 41 (25,3%) had inclusion criteria. Among the 41 selected sera, 85.4% (n = 35) had anti-Ro52 reactivity. The prevalence of ILD in the positive anti-Ro52 antibodies was 71.4% (n = 25), and 16.7% (n = 1) in the negative anti-Ro52 group (P = 0.018). Overall sensitivity (96.2%), specificity (83.3%), positive (71.4%) and negative (83.3%) predictive values of anti-Ro52 antibodies to determine ILD in CTD is detailed in this study. Conclusion. Ro52 autoantibodies are associated with ILD in CTD excluding scleroderma. We suggest that the presence of anti-Ro52 reactivity in CTD should increase the clinician curiosity for the search of ILD.
- Are Anti-Ro52 Antibodies Associated with Pulmonary Involvement in Scleroderma?Publication . Ferreira, J.; Almeida, I.; Marinho, A.; Cerveira, C.; Vasconcelos, C.Abstract Introduction: The presence of anti-Ro52 antibodies has been reported in a wide variety of autoimmune diseases, particularly in myositis, scleroderma and autoimmune liver diseases. Clinical significance of anti-Ro52 antibodies remains controversial. Studies are lacking in clarifying the association of anti-Ro52 with pulmonary involvement in scleroderma. Objectives: To determine if anti-Ro52 antibodies are associated with pulmonary involvement (interstitial, indirect pulmonary hypertension, or both) in scleroderma. Methods: Single center, retrospective study based on immunoblotting panel analysis and patients clinical records. Pulmonary manifestations were sub-grouped in: 1) interstitial (alveolitis and/or fibrosis), 2) pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) ≥40 mmHg plus interstitial pulmonary disease, and 3) isolated PASP≥40 mmHg (purely vascular). Results: Our scleroderma cohort included 200 patients, of which 137 had immunoblotting panels with anti-Ro52 reactivity analysis. The search was conducted between January 2010 and July 2011. The frequency of pulmonary manifestations in patients with positive anti-Ro52 antibodies was 67.7% (n=31), and 60% (n=24) in the negative anti-Ro52 group, showing no significant differences between groups (p=0.621). Still no significant differences were found when pulmonary manifestations were evaluated according to the subgroups (p=0.525). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of anti-Ro52 reactivity for determining pulmonary involvement in scleroderma were low. Conclusion: No association was found between positive anti-Ro52 antibodies and pulmonary involvement in scleroderma.
- AVALIAÇÂO DE UMA NOVA TÉCNICA DE QUIMIOLUMINESCÊNCIA PARA DETERMINAÇÃO DE ANTICORPOS ANTI-DSDNAPublication . Carneiro, P.; Figueiras, O.; Lima, S.; Neves, E.; Cerveira, C.Introdução A determinação dos anticorpos anti-dsDNA é um teste de grande importância para o diagnóstico e monitorização de doentes com Lúpus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES), fazendo parte dos critérios de classificação de LES do ACR. (American College of Rheumathology). Existem actualmente vários métodos laboratoriais disponíveis, que respondem de forma desigual na determinação destes anticorpos nos doentes, em diferentes fases de evolução da patologia. Objectivo Avaliar o desempenho do novo método automatizado de determinação dos anticorpos anti-dsDNA por técnica de quimioluminescência (CLIA), Zenit RA dsDNA (Menarini), comparando-o com os métodos de imunofluorescência indirecta (IFI) e fluoroimunoensaio (FEIA), utilizados na rotina assistencial no Serviço de Imunologia do CHP. Material e Métodos A população estudada incluiu 151 amostras seriadas de doentes com LES, 33 doentes com doença infecciosa, 28 doentes com outras patologias com envolvimento autoimune e 38 indivíduos saudáveis. Realizou-se a determinação dos anticorpos anti-dsDNA por técnica CLIA no equipamento ZENIT RA (Menarini), por técnica FEIA no equipamento ImmunoCAP 250 (Phadia) e por IFI em lâminas de Crithidia luciliae (BioRad) processadas no aparelho PhD (BioRad). Resultados Todos os testes apresentaram uma baixa sensibilidade nos doentes com LES (33,1% a 44,4%), traduzindo o facto de um grande número de doentes se encontrar em tratamento e com fraca actividade da doença. O teste CLIA apresentou uma especificidade semelhante à da IFI (93,9% vs. 95,6%), superior à observada no FEIA (85,9%). Conclusões O teste dsDNA ZENIT RA revelou uma sensibilidade inferior ao FEIA mas uma melhor especificidade e valor preditivo positivo, semelhantes aos observados na técnica de IFI. Sendo um teste totalmente automatizado e sem a subjectividade da IFI, será agora importante a sua avaliação numa população com critérios de actividade bem definidos.