Browsing by Author "Gomes, M."
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- 17-Week Delay Surgery after Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer with Complete Pathological ResponsePublication . Santos, M.; Gomes, M.; Moreno, F.; Rocha, A.; Lopes, C.Neoadjuvant chemoradiation (CRT) followed by curative surgery still remains the standard of care for locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). The main purpose of this multimodal treatment is to achieve a complete pathological tumor response (ypCR), with better survival. The surgery delay after CRT completion seems to increase tumor response and ypCR rate. Usually, time intervals range from 8 to 12 weeks, but the maximum tumor regression may not be seen in rectal adenocarcinomas until several months after CRT. About this issue, we report a case of a 52-year-old man with LARC treated with neoadjuvant CRT who developed, one month after RT completion, an acute myocardial infarction. The need to increase the interval between CRT and surgery for 17 weeks allowed a curative surgery without morbidity and an unexpected complete tumor response in the resected specimen (given the parameters presented in pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed 11 weeks after radiotherapy completion).
- Angiogenesis in NSCLC: is vessel co-option the trunk that sustains the branches?Publication . Coelho, A.; Gomes, M.; Catarino, R.; Rolfo, C.; Lopes, A.; Medeiros, R.; Araújo, A.The critical role of angiogenesis in tumor development makes its inhibition a valuable new approach in therapy, rapidly making anti-angiogenesis a major focus in research. While the VEGF/VEGFR pathway is the main target of the approved anti-angiogenic molecules in NSCLC treatment, the results obtained are still modest, especially due to resistance mechanisms. Accumulating scientific data show that vessel co-option is an alternative mechanism to angiogenesis during tumor development in well-vascularized organs such as the lungs, where tumor cells highjack the existing vasculature to obtain its blood supply in a non-angiogenic fashion. This can explain the low/lack of response to current anti-angiogenic strategies. The same principle applies to lung metastases of other primary tumors. The exact mechanisms of vessel co-option need to be further elucidated, but it is known that the co-opted vessels regress by the action of Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2), a vessel destabilizing cytokine expressed by the endothelial cells of the pre-existing mature vessels. In the absence of VEGF, vessel regression leads to tumor cell loss and hypoxia, with a subsequent switch to a neoangiogenic phenotype by the remaining tumor cells. Unravelling the vessel co-option mechanisms and involved players may be fruitful for numerous reasons, and the particularities of this form of vascularization should be carefully considered when planning anti-angiogenic interventions or designing clinical trials for this purpose. In view of the current knowledge, rationale for therapeutic approaches of dual inhibition of Ang-2 and VEGF are swiftly gaining strength and may serve as a launchpad to more successful NSCLC anti-vascular treatments.
- Avaliação do estado vacinal em crianças internadasPublication . Neves, J.; Leça, A.; Gomes, M.; Oliveira, M.; Ferreira, G.Introdução: O Programa Nacional de Vacinação (PNV) é um programa universal e gratuito, sendo uma das suas características a acessibilidade sem qualquer tipo de barreira. Apesar do inquestionável êxito do PNV desde o seu início em 1965, poderão persistir assimetrias sociais na sua aplicação, com grupos populacionais com níveis de protecção inferiores ao desejado e risco de desenvolvimento de bolsas de susceptíveis, possibilitando a reemergência de doenças já controladas ou mesmo eliminadas no nosso país, situações que urge diagnosticar e prevenir. Objectivo: Avaliar o estado vacinal de crianças internadas numa enfermaria de Pediatria Geral e na Unidade de Infecciologia do Hospital Dona Estefânia, durante um ano, e detectar obstáculos à vacinação, quer relacionados com serviços de saúde, quer relacionados com as características sócio-demográficas da população. Adicionalmente, pretendeu-se avaliar a adesão a algumas vacinas não contempladas no PNV à data do estudo. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal que decorreu entre Janeiro e Dezembro de 2004. Incluiu o preenchimento de um inquérito pelos pais e a análise dos dados do boletim de vacinas. As perguntas aos pais incluíam características sociais e a auto-avaliação da acessibilidade à vacinação no Centro de Saúde. Para este estudo definiu-se atraso vacinal como o não cumprimento da vacinação nas datas estabelecidas, independentemente da duração do atraso. Resultados e conclusões: Nos 324 inquéritos analisados, 90% das crianças apresentava o calendário vacinal actualizado. Os factores de risco associados ao incumprimento do PNV foram a raça negra, a etnia cigana, a baixa escolaridade dos pais e a ausência de seguimento médico. Das vacinas extra-PNV à data do estudo analisadas, a vacina contra Neisseria meningitidis C (NmC) foi administrada a 30% das crianças e a vacina conjugada heptavalente contra Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pn7) a 23%, sendo que 18% das crianças tinham ambas as vacinas. Estas vacinas foram administradas predominantemente às crianças de raça caucasiana (94%), com agregados familiares pequenos (79%), seguidas por pediatra (75%) e cujos pais tinham pelo menos o 9º ano de escolaridade. Apenas 2 % dos inquiridos classificaram a acessibilidade à vacinação no Centro de Saúde como difícil.
- Bilateral proliferative retinopathy as the initial presentation of chronic myeloid leukemia.Publication . Macedo, M.; Figueiredo, A.; Ferreira, N.; Barbosa, I.; Furtado, M.; Correia, N.; Gomes, M.; Lume, M.; Menéres, M.; Santos, M.; Meireles, M.The authors report a rare case of a 48-year-old male with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who initially presented with a bilateral proliferative retinopathy. The patient complained of recent visual loss and floaters in both eyes (BE). Ophthalmologic evaluation revealed a best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/50 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left eye (LE). Fundoscopy showed the presence of bilateral peripheral capillary dropout with multiple retinal sea fan neovascularisations, which were confirmed on fluorescein angiography. Full blood count revealed hyperleukocytosis, thrombocytosis, anemia, and hyperuricemia. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy showed the reciprocal chromosomal translocation t (9;22), diagnostic of CML. The patient was started on hydroxyurea, allopurinol and imatinib mesylate. He received bilateral panretinal laser photocoagulation and a vitrectomy was performed in the LE. The patient has been in complete hematologic, cytogenetic, and major molecular remission while on imatinib and his BCVA is 20/25 in BE.
- Caso radiológico: pneumomediastino e enfisema subcutâneo secundário a asmaPublication . Nascimento, J.; Gomes, M.; Moreira, C.; Macedo, F.ABSTRACT We present the case of a 5 year old asmathic girl admitted to the hospital for acute non traumatic edema and crepitus of the face, neck and upper thorax. Thoracic x-ray (not shown) and thoracic and neck CT were performed, showing extensive subcutaneous and mediastinal enfisema. These are rare complications of asthma. The imaging features are described.
- Conjunctival lymphangioma: a case report and brief review of the literaturePublication . Seca, M.; Borges, P.; Gomes, M.; Meireles, A.Background. Lymphangioma is a rare venolymphatic lesion, characterized by dilation of lymphatic vessels. It may occur as an isolated lesion or, more often, represent the surface component of a deep orbital lymphangioma. Case. We report a case of a conjunctival lymphangioma on a 58-year-old male that had simultaneously an upper respiratory tract infection. Excision and biopsy confirmed the nature of the lesion, and there has been no relapse to date. Conclusion. Conjunctival lymphangioma is a rare condition in which the diagnose, must be kept in mind in patients with a red eye resistance to topical therapy and in association with an upper respiratory tract infection. Finally, it is also necessary to be aware of possible recurrence of the lesion.
- Implantation of intracorneal ring segments in pediatric patients: long-term follow-upPublication . Abreu, A.; Malheiro, Luisa; Coelho, João; Neves, Miguel Mesquita; Gomes, M.; OLIVEIRA, LUIS; Menéres, P.Purpose: To analyze the long-term outcomes of intracorneal ring segments (ICRS) implantation for keratoconus management in pediatric patients. Methods: Retrospective case series review of the long-term (>5 years) outcomes of Intacs® ICRS implantation for keratoconus in pediatric patients (age <18 years old at the time of surgery) between January 2008 and December 2011 at Ophthalmology Department of Hospital de Santo António. Demographic data, follow-up time, preoperative and postoperative uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in decimal scale, and corneal topography were evaluated. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS for windows (version 24). Significance was set at p<0.0125. Results: Fourteen eyes of 14 patients, with a mean age of 15.36 years (range 10-18 years), were included in this study. All patients had been diagnosed with keratoconus with reported progression in the 6 months prior to surgery. Follow-up time was 6.36±0.97 years. UCVA and BCVA improved after ICRS implantation (p<0.0125). Keratometry (K) minimum (Kmin) and K maximum (Kmax) decreased after surgery (p<0.0125). During follow-up, UCVA, BCVA, Kmin, and Kmax values ranged, showing a tendency to worsen at the end of follow-up. However, statistically significant differences were not observed. Conclusion: ICRS implantation showed good visual and topographic results in pediatric patients. Long-term follow-up suggests that, despite ICRS implantation, there is still progression of keratoconus. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports regarding the long-term efficacy of ICRS implantation in pediatric patients.
- Isolated Bulbar Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma as a Primary Presentation of AIDS: A Case ReportPublication . Maia, S.; Gomes, M.; Oliveira, L.; Torres, P.Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a malignant vascular tumor, caused by the human herpesvirus 8. It is one of the commonest tumors in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients and not uncommonly the first manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Case. We present a case of an isolated bulbar conjunctival KS on a 43-year-old HIV positive male, with no other lesions. Excision and cryotherapy were performed, and the patient remains free of lesions to date. Conclusion. Isolated bulbar conjunctival KP is an unusual site for its initial presentation and must be kept in mind in HIV positive patients.
- Posterior nutcracker syndrome with left renal vein duplication: a rare cause of haematuria in a 12-year-old boyPublication . Preza-Fernandes, J.; Amorim, R.; Gomes, M.; Oliveira, V.; Reis, A.; Ribeiro-Castro, J.Abstract The nutcracker syndrome (NCS) is a rare cause of haematuria. It embraces an extended nonpathognomonic spectrum of symptoms that imply a difficult diagnosis. Ultimately it may be associated with substantial morbidity and even life-threatening events. We report a rare cause if a 12-year-old boy who presented with a history of frequent intermittent episodes of painless constant haematuria. The cystoscopy showed a bloody urine ejaculate from the left ureter meatus. The Doppler ultrasonography showed turbulent pattern of venous blood flow of the posterior renal vein branch behind the aorta. The abdominopelvic computer tomography (apCT) revealed left renal vein (LRV) duplication with a dilated retroaortic branch, entrapped between the aorta and the vertebral column, promoting the renal nutcracker syndrome. The patient was initially hospitalized and managed with oral iron supplements and continuous saline bladder irrigation, not requiring additional treatment. The child is currently asymptomatic, with haemoglobin value returning to normal and therefore proposed to conservative management with close followup. The authors present a case report of episodic haematuria caused by a rare entity-posterior nutcracker syndrome with renal vein duplication.
- Purtscher-Like RetinopathyPublication . Massa, R.; Vale, C.; Macedo, M.; Furtado, M.; Gomes, M.; Lume, M.; Meireles, A.Purtscher-like retinopathy is associated with retinal hemorrhages and ischaemia probably due to the complement-mediated leukoembolization. It is a rare and severe angiopathy found in conditions such as acute pancreatitis. Case. We present a case of a 53-year-old man who presented with a Purtscher-like retinopathy associated with the development of acute pancreatitis in the context of a Klatskin tumour (a hilar cholangiocarcinoma). The ophthalmologic evaluation revealed the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/32 in the right eye (RE) and of 20/40 in the left eye (LE); biomicroscopy of anterior segment showed scleral icterus and fundoscopy revealed peripapillary cotton-wool spots, optic disc edema, and RPE hypo- and hyperpigmentation in the middle peripheral retina in both eyes with an intraretinal hemorrhage in the LE. 15 months after the initial presentation, without ophthalmological treatment, there was an improvement of BCVA to 20/20 in both eyes and optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed areas of reduction of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness corresponding to the previous cotton-wool spots. Conclusion. Purtscher-like retinopathy should not be neglected in complex clinical contexts. Its unclear pathophysiology determines an uncertain treatment strategy, but a meticulous follow-up is compulsory in order to avoid its severe complications.