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  • SINAS: Effective Impact in the Quality Improvement of Ambulatory Surgery at an Ambulatory Centre
    Publication . Castro Alves, Eurico; Correia, Teresa; Brandão, Pedro; Teixeira, Laetitia; Povo, Ana
    Introduction: The National Health Assessment System is a system designed by the Portuguese Health Regulatory Entity in order to evaluate the overall quality of the health care institutions. One of the key areas evaluated by the National Health Assessment System is ambulatory surgery. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that the introduction of the National Health Assessment System evaluation at our ambulatory centre not only improved the overall quality of ambulatory surgery but also the quality of the clinical record entries. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis was performed from the hospital's clinical database. The study was carried out at the ambulatory centre of the Hospital and University Centre of Porto, and included 100 consecutive surgical procedures, across all surgical specialties, previously selected by the National Health Assessment System audit performed in 2015 in our ambulatory surgery centre and other 46 surgical procedures performed in 2008 at our hospital, before the National Health Assessment System was implemented. The main outcome measure was the validation and record of the seven indicators of National Health Assessment System for ambulatory surgery. Results: We have seen an improvement in all indicators after the National Health Assessment System implementation, except for criterion 4. Discussion: Our study demonstrates that the introduction of the National Health Assessment System in our ambulatory centre resulted in the improvement in the quality of both of clinical practice, and clinical record keepingConclusion: We can conclude that the application of evaluation of quality indicators and benchmarking practices can be used to enhance healthcare outcomes.
  • Parathyroid carcinoma: From a case report to a review of the literature
    Publication . Presa-Fernandes, J.; Paiva, C.; Correia, R.; Polónia, J.; Moreira-Costa, A.
    Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare endocrine malignancy. The reported incidence is from 0.5 to 5% of primary hyperparathyroidism cases in various series. Consideration of parathyroid carcinoma in the differential diagnosis of hypercalcaemic disorders is important because the morbidity and mortality are substantial and the best prognosis is associated with early recognition and surgical resection.
  • Vacuum-assisted closure therapy after resection of giant basal cell carcinoma of the scalp
    Publication . Pereira, S.; Malta, W.; Canha, A.; Polónia, J.
    Management of complicated wounds is a challenge in head and neck reconstruction. Although the negative pressure wound therapy or wound vacuum-assisted closure has been widely used in complicated wounds and shows promising results, its application in the head and neck region after reconstruction for the head and neck cancer is rarely presented. A 77-year-old woman underwent a radical resection of an extensive basal cell carcinoma of the scalp and forehead involving the periosteum, where classic reconstruction was difficult, but successfully treated with negative pressure wound therapy. Negative pressure wound therapy is an efficacious tool in cases of complex and extensive defects, when we expect immediate reconstruction with poor results, as would be probable with this scalp lesion.
  • Monitorização do Consumo de Antibióticos nos Serviços de Cirurgia e de Ortopedia de Seis Hospitais SA
    Publication . Caldeira, L.; Teixeira, I.; Vieira, I.; Batel-Marques, F.; Santiago, L.; Rodrigues, V.; Fonseca, A.; Varanda, J.; Bicó, A.; Vasconcelos, C.; Polónia, J.; Brochado, J.; Faria, V.; Mota, A.; Ramalheira, E.; Capão-Filipe, M.; Marques, M.; Martins, M.; Carmo, E.; Martins, F.; Contente, H.; Lobo, M.; Gloria, P.; Pereira, L.; Faria, D.
    A monitorização do consumo de antimicrobianos é um instrumento de interesse indiscutível e tem merecido uma atenção particular nos últimos anos, devido às crescentes preocupações com a emergência de estirpes microbianas multi-resistentes. Os objectivos do presente estudo consistiram, por um lado, na monitorização do consumo e na avaliação do impacto económico da prescrição hospitalar de antimicrobianos, em serviços de cirurgia e ortopedia. Por outro lado, pretendeu-se estudar e a relação indicação-prescrição terapêutica e profilática. Tendo presentes estes objectivos realizou-se um estudo-piloto longitudinal, com recolha de dados durante o mês de Maio de 2004, em seis Hospitais SA, incidindo numa amostra total de 1.122 doentes internados. Verificámos uma taxa de incidência de prescrição de 76,9%, com dispensa de 1.154 antimicrobianos, dos quais 71,2% se destinaram, em média, à profilaxia da infecção pós-cirúrgica, atestando a adesão geral à prática da profilaxia da infecção no local cirúrgico. O custo médio da antibioterapia foi mais elevado nos casos de “suspeita de infecção” (€9,09) ou “infecção declarada” (€8,74) e mais baixo quando utilizados para “profilaxia” (€5,67), facto relacionado com a menor duração média dos episódios de profilaxia. Os regimes de profilaxia utilizados apresentaram variações consideráveis entre os diferentes hospitais no que respeita ao tipo de antibiótico utilizado e uma duração média de 2,61 dias, com cerca de metade dos episódios de profilaxia prolongando-se por mais de 24 horas, sugerindo uma implementação insuficiente das actuais recomendações quanto ao tipo de fármaco a utilizar para esta prática, o que aponta para o necessidade duma avaliação da existência nas unidades hospitalares, de recomendações claras para a profilaxia da infecção do local cirúrgico, bem como da adesão dos clínicos a estas.