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RESUMO A infecção por Citomegalovirus
(CMV) é uma situação frequente, ocorrendo
maioritariamente de forma assintomática(1).
Os autores apresentam o caso clínico
de uma criança de 3 anos de idade,
internada no Serviço de Pediatria do
Hospital Pedro Hispano para estudo etiológico
de hipoproteinémia com hipoalbuminémia,
no contexto clínico de vómitos,
abdominalgias e edemas infraorbitários
Os exames complementares de
diagnóstico efectuados inicialmente permitiram
excluir etiologia hepática e renal.
Perante a suspeita de uma enteropatia
perdedora de proteínas foi efectuada
uma endoscopia digestiva alta que revelou
ulcerações superficiais da mucosa
gástrica. A pesquisa do CMV por técnica
de PCR (Protein Chain Reaction) em tecido
de biopsia gástrica e duodenal foi
positiva. As serologias para CMV foram
sugestivas de infecção recente.
A evolução clínica e analítica foi favorável,
tendo sido apenas instituído tratamento
ABSTRACT Cytomegalovirus infection is a frequent condition, the great majority is asymptomatic(1). The authors present a clinical case of a 3 years old, hospitalized in the Pediatrics Service of Hospital Pedro Hispano for etiological study of hypoproteinemia with hypoalbuminemia, in the clinical context of vomits, abdominal pain and bilateral infraorbitary edema. The complementary studies initially done excluded the hepatic and renal causes. Under the suspicion of proteinlosing enteropathy, upper endoscopy was performed and showed gastric mucosa superficial ulceration. The PCR (Protein Chain Reaction) for CMV in the gastric and duodenal biopsy was positive. The cytomegalovirus serology suggested a recent infection. The clinical and laboratorial evolution was favorable, with support therapy only.
ABSTRACT Cytomegalovirus infection is a frequent condition, the great majority is asymptomatic(1). The authors present a clinical case of a 3 years old, hospitalized in the Pediatrics Service of Hospital Pedro Hispano for etiological study of hypoproteinemia with hypoalbuminemia, in the clinical context of vomits, abdominal pain and bilateral infraorbitary edema. The complementary studies initially done excluded the hepatic and renal causes. Under the suspicion of proteinlosing enteropathy, upper endoscopy was performed and showed gastric mucosa superficial ulceration. The PCR (Protein Chain Reaction) for CMV in the gastric and duodenal biopsy was positive. The cytomegalovirus serology suggested a recent infection. The clinical and laboratorial evolution was favorable, with support therapy only.
Citomegalovirus enteropatia perdedora de proteínas hipoprotinémia hipoalbuminémia Ménétrier Cytomegalovirus protein-losing enteropathy hipoproteinemia hipoalbuminemia
Nascer e Crescer 2006; 15(3): 144-145