Browsing by Author "Oliveira, L."
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- Expressão dos recetores de quimiocinas, CXCR3 e CCR5, nas células natural killer do sangue de cordão umbilicalPublication . Bini-Antunes, M.; Leander, M.; Rebelo, R.; Benevides, P.; Santos, A.; Rodrigues, J.; Oliveira, L.; Queirós, M.; Santos, M.; Gonçalves, M.; Fonseca, S.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Lima, M.
- Isolated Bulbar Conjunctival Kaposi's Sarcoma as a Primary Presentation of AIDS: A Case ReportPublication . Maia, S.; Gomes, M.; Oliveira, L.; Torres, P.Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a malignant vascular tumor, caused by the human herpesvirus 8. It is one of the commonest tumors in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients and not uncommonly the first manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Case. We present a case of an isolated bulbar conjunctival KS on a 43-year-old HIV positive male, with no other lesions. Excision and cryotherapy were performed, and the patient remains free of lesions to date. Conclusion. Isolated bulbar conjunctival KP is an unusual site for its initial presentation and must be kept in mind in HIV positive patients.
- Meretoja's Syndrome: Lattice Corneal Dystrophy, Gelsolin TypePublication . Casal, I.; Monteiro, S.; Abreu, C.; Neves, M.; Oliveira, L.; Beirão, JoãoLattice corneal dystrophy gelsolin type was first described in 1969 by Jouko Meretoja, a Finnish ophthalmologist. It is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in gelsolin gene resulting in unstable protein fragments and amyloid deposition in various organs. The age of onset is usually after the third decade of life and typical diagnostic triad includes progressive bilateral facial paralysis, loose skin, and lattice corneal dystrophy. We report a case of a 53-year-old female patient referred to our Department of Ophthalmology by severe dry eye and incomplete eyelid closure. She had severe bilateral facial paresis, significant orbicularis, and perioral sagging as well as hypoesthesia of extremities and was diagnosed with Meretoja's syndrome at the age of 50, confirmed by the presence of gelsolin mutation. At our observation she had bilateral diminished tear film break-up time and Schirmer test, diffuse keratitis, corneal opacification, and neovascularization in the left eye. She was treated with preservative-free lubricants and topical cyclosporine, associated with nocturnal complete occlusion of both eyes, and underwent placement of lacrimal punctal plugs. Ocular symptoms are the first to appear and our role as ophthalmologists is essential for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of ocular alterations in these patients.
- Pâncreas anular - um caso clínicoPublication . Maciel, R.; Casanova, J.; Osório, A.; Oliveira, T.; Vasconcelos, E.; Guedes, A.; Carvalho, C.; Oliveira, L.; Rodrigues, M.C.Introdução: O pâncreas anular é uma anomalia do desenvolvimento rara, representando 1% das obstruções intestinais neonatais. Caso Clínico: Apresentamos um caso de obstrução duodenal diagnosticado em ecografia de rotina às 32 semanas de gestação. O sinal ecográfico da “dupla bolha” foi o único achado, tendo este persistido até à data do parto, às 39 semanas. O diagnóstico de pâncreas anular foi feito ao terceiro dia de vida, aquando da laparotomia exploradora. Conclusão: O diagnóstico ecográfico de obstrução parcial ou completa do duodeno é quase exclusivamente baseado na detecção do sinal da “dupla bolha”, que resulta da dilatação simultânea do estômago e duodeno. Apesar de ser uma anomalia rara, perante o sinal ecográfico descrito, deve ser considerado o diagnóstico diferencial de pâncreas anular.
- Previous renal replacement therapy time at start of peritoneal dialysis independently impact on peritoneal membrane ultrafiltration failurePublication . Oliveira, L.; Rodrigues, A.Background. Peritoneal membrane changes are induced by uraemia per se. We hypothesise that previous renal replacement therapy (RRT) time and residual renal function (RRF) at start of peritoneal dialysis impact on ultrafiltration failure (UFF). Methods. The time course of PET parameters from 123 incident patients, followed for median 26 (4–105) months, was evaluated by mixed linear model. Glucose 3.86% solutions were not used in their standard therapy. Sex, age, diabetes, previous RRT time, RRF, comorbidity score, PD modality and peritonitis episodes were investigated as possible determinants of UFF-free survival. Results. PET parameters remained stable during follow up. CA125 decreased significantly. Inherent UFF was diagnosed in 8 patients, 5 spontaneously recovering. Acquired UFF group presented type I UFF profile with compromised sodium sieving. At baseline they had lower RRF and longer previous time of RRT which remained significantly associated with UFF-free survival by Cox multivariate analysis (HR 0.648 (0.428–0.980), P=0.04) and (HR 1.016 (1.004–1.028), P=0.009, resp.). UFF free survival was 97%, 87% and 83% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively. Conclusions. Inherent UFF is often unpredictable but transitory. On the other hand baseline lower RRF and previous RRT time independently impact on ultrafiltration failure free survival. In spite of these detrimental factors generally stable long-term peritoneal transport parameters is achievable with a 5-year cumulative UFF free survival of 83%. This study adds a further argument for a PD-first policy.
- Previous renal replacement therapy time at start of peritoneal dialysis independently impact on peritoneal membrane ultrafiltration failurePublication . Oliveira, L.; Rodrigues, A.Abstract Background. Peritoneal membrane changes are induced by uraemia per se. We hypothesise that previous renal replacement therapy (RRT) time and residual renal function (RRF) at start of peritoneal dialysis impact on ultrafiltration failure (UFF). Methods. The time course of PET parameters from 123 incident patients, followed for median 26 (4-105) months, was evaluated by mixed linear model. Glucose 3.86% solutions were not used in their standard therapy. Sex, age, diabetes, previous RRT time, RRF, comorbidity score, PD modality and peritonitis episodes were investigated as possible determinants of UFF-free survival. Results. PET parameters remained stable during follow up. CA125 decreased significantly. Inherent UFF was diagnosed in 8 patients, 5 spontaneously recovering. Acquired UFF group presented type I UFF profile with compromised sodium sieving. At baseline they had lower RRF and longer previous time of RRT which remained significantly associated with UFF-free survival by Cox multivariate analysis (HR 0.648 (0.428-0.980), P = 0.04) and (HR 1.016 (1.004-1.028), P = 0.009, resp.). UFF free survival was 97%, 87% and 83% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively. Conclusions. Inherent UFF is often unpredictable but transitory. On the other hand baseline lower RRF and previous RRT time independently impact on ultrafiltration failure free survival. In spite of these detrimental factors generally stable long-term peritoneal transport parameters is achievable with a 5-year cumulative UFF free survival of 83%. This study adds a further argument for a PD-first policy.
- Pseudo-obstrução Intestinal – Caso ClínicoPublication . Teixeira, C.; Lima, R.; Ferreira, H.; Recamen, M.; Martins, E.; Ramos, A.; Oliveira, L.; Rocha, H.A Pseudo-obstrução intestinal é uma doença rara, causadora de grande morbilidade, defi nida pela presença de sinais e sintomas de oclusão intestinal, na ausência de obstrução mecânica. O prognóstico é muito variável, estando em parte relacionado com a doença subjacente. Os autores apresentam um caso de um lactente com pseudo-obstrução intestinal crónica de etiologia não esclarecida, com melhoria lenta mas progressiva da sintomatologia após realização de ileostomia e instituição de medicação procinética intestinal, tendo necessitado de nutrição parentérica total. Salienta-se deste caso a raridade da patologia, a difi culdade do seu diagnóstico, e a não existência de terapêuticas defi nidas como curativas, usando-se muitas vezes apenas tratamento conservador, com o intuito de diminuir a sintomatologia e promover o trânsito intestinal.
- Recetores de citoxicidade natural nas células natural killer do sangue periféricoPublication . Santos, M.; Santos, A.; Oliveira, L.; Fonseca, S.; Rodrigues, J.; Gonçalves, M.; Queirós, M.; Leander, M.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Lima, M.
- Teste da eosina-5-maleimida (EMA), para o diagnóstico de esferocitose hereditária: experiência do Laboratório de Citometria de fluxo do Centro Hospitalar do PortoPublication . Queirós, M.; Antas, P.; Rocha, S.; Leander, M.; Freitas, I.; Cleto, E.; Barbot, J.; Rodrigues, J.; Gonçalves, M.; Santos, M.; Santos, A.; Oliveira, L.; Fonseca, S.; Lau, C.; Teixeira, M.; Pinho, L.; Santos-Silva, A.; Lima, M.