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- 2020 Frank Stinchfield Award: Identifying who will fail following irrigation and debridement for prosthetic joint infectionPublication . Shohat, Noam; Goswami, Karan; Tan, Timothy L.; Yayac, Michael; Soriano, Alex; Sousa, Ricardo; Wouthuyzen-Bakker, Marjan; Parvizi, JavadAims: Failure of irrigation and debridement (I&D) for prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is influenced by numerous host, surgical, and pathogen-related factors. We aimed to develop and validate a practical, easy-to-use tool based on machine learning that may accurately predict outcome following I&D surgery taking into account the influence of numerous factors. Methods: This was an international, multicentre retrospective study of 1,174 revision total hip (THA) and knee arthroplasties (TKA) undergoing I&D for PJI between January 2005 and December 2017. PJI was defined using the Musculoskeletal Infection Society (MSIS) criteria. A total of 52 variables including demographics, comorbidities, and clinical and laboratory findings were evaluated using random forest machine learning analysis. The algorithm was then verified through cross-validation. Results: Of the 1,174 patients that were included in the study, 405 patients (34.5%) failed treatment. Using random forest analysis, an algorithm that provides the probability for failure for each specific patient was created. By order of importance, the ten most important variables associated with failure of I&D were serum CRP levels, positive blood cultures, indication for index arthroplasty other than osteoarthritis, not exchanging the modular components, use of immunosuppressive medication, late acute (haematogenous) infections, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, overlying skin infection, polymicrobial infection, and older age. The algorithm had good discriminatory capability (area under the curve = 0.74). Cross-validation showed similar probabilities comparing predicted and observed failures indicating high accuracy of the model. Conclusion: This is the first study in the orthopaedic literature to use machine learning as a tool for predicting outcomes following I&D surgery. The developed algorithm provides the medical profession with a tool that can be employed in clinical decision-making and improve patient care. Future studies should aid in further validating this tool on additional cohorts. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2020;102-B(7 Supple B):11-19.
- Acute Rupture of the Plantar Fascia in a Soccer PlayerPublication . Costa, Diogo; Cruz, Patrícia; Brito, Rui; Cantista, Pedro; Rodrigues-Gomes, SérgioAcute rupture of the plantar fascia is a rare but potentially debilitating injury in athletes, particularly those involved in running and jumping sports. Early recognition and prompt treatment are crucial for a successful recovery and return to play. Conservative treatment, including rest, immobilization, and physical therapy, may be effective in most cases, while surgical intervention may be required in those that are nonresponsive to conservative treatment. We report a case of plantar fascia rupture in a 22-year-old male semi-professional football player who presented with sudden severe pain in the sole of his right foot during a match, followed by a popping sensation and inability to weight bear. The athlete was healthy and had no history of previous injury in the right foot. MRI confirmed a complete rupture of the plantar fascia. The player was treated conservatively and underwent a rehabilitation program. The player returned to full competition after nine weeks, with no limitations
- Adult Native Joint Septic Arthritis: A Nine-Year Retrospective Analysis in a Portuguese University HospitalPublication . Cipriano, Ana; Videira Santos, Fábio; Dias, Rita; Carvalho, André; Reis, Ernestina; Pereira, Claudia; Santos, Ana Cláudia; Sousa, Ricardo; Abreu, Miguelntroduction: Septic arthritis of a native joint represents a medical emergency. Drainage and effective antibiotic treatment are critical to avoid joint destruction and long-term impairment. The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with the diagnosis of septic arthritis to help establish local guidelines for empirical antibiotic treatment. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of adult patients admitted at Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto from 2009 to 2017 with suspected native joint septic arthritis. Relevant demographics, microbiology findings and respective antibiotic susceptibilities were analysed. Results: Ninety-seven patients, predominantly males (59.8%) with a median age of 61 years old were included. The most commonly reported comorbidity associated with septic arthritis was diabetes mellitus (20.6%). The knee was the most commonly affected joint (71.1%). Arthrocentesis was performed in all patients, but only 50.5% had positive microbial growth in the synovial fluid. Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently identified microorganism, 86% of which were methicillin susceptible. Gram-negative bacteria were the causative agent in 15% of cases. A wide range of empirical antibiotic regimens were prescribed with a combination of vancomycin/carbapenem being the most common (30.9%). Analysis of antibiotic susceptibility profiles revealed that amoxicillin/clavulanate would have been appropriate as the initial regimen in 89% of cases. Discussion: The main causative pathogen was Staphylococcus aureus, with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus remaining rare. The proportion of Gram-negative bacteria implies that these agents should be covered by empirical treatment, although no case of Pseudomonas infection has been identified. Therefore, antipseudomonal coverage is not necessary in empirical regimens. Conclusion: Routine coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not warranted but must be considered when specific risk factors are found. Amoxicillin/clavulanate can provide adequate antibiotic coverage as an empirical treatment for adult native joint septic arthritis. Its use may allow a reduction in use of broader spectrum antibiotics.
- ALTERAÇÕES VÉSICO-ESFINCTERIANAS NO PARKINSONISMOPublication . Andrade, M.; Trêpa, ADepois de uma breve revisão da euroanatomia e da neurofisiologia vésico-esfincteriana é feita uma análise das alterações vésico-esfincterianas no Parkinsonismo e a sua correlação com a doença, com os fármacos utilizados no tratamento desta doença e com eventuais problemas prostáticos. Conclui-se que cada caso terá obrigatoriamente que ser estudado individualmente.Further to a brief review of the vesical-sphincterian neuroanatomy and neurophisology, we analyse the vesical-sphincterian dysfunction in the Parkinson disease and its relation with this illness, with the drugs used in its treatment and with eventual prostatic problems. We therefore conclude that each case should be studied individually.
- Alternative method of outside-in meniscal repair for anterior horn tearsPublication . Serrano, P.; Amorim-Barbosa, T.; Santos-Silva, M.; Sousa, R.Treatment of symptomatic meniscal tears continues to evolve as we improve our understanding of the biomechanical role of the meniscus and its long-term importance to the health of the knee joint. Suture repair of meniscal tears is challenging and continues to rise as we aim to preserve meniscal tissue. Outside-in meniscal suture techniques may involve using expensive equipment that is not readily available for immediate use in most operating rooms. Aware of the different techniques available, the authors describe a fast and reproducible technique that does not require the use of specific material or equipment.
- Artrite como primeira manifestação de Doença Inflamatória IntestinalPublication . Nascimento, J.; Zilhão, C.; Palhau, L.; Lima, R.; Guedes, M.
- Artrodese Cervical C1-C2 pelas técnicas de Harms e MagerlPublication . Sousa, C.; Silva, L.; Santos, C.; Silva, E.; Figueiredo, F.INTRODUÇÃO: A instabilidade atlantoaxial pode resultar em alterações neurológicas, dor e limitação da mobilidade cervical. É uma situação grave pelo risco de tetraparésia ou morte súbita. Na literatura estão descritas várias técnicas de estabilização cirúrgica C1-C2 e neste artigo foram comentadas com maior ênfase as técnicas de Harms e Magerl, as mais utilizadas em nossa instituição. OBJETIVO: Descrever a casuística das artrodeses atlantoaxiais realizadas nos últimos cinco anos no Centro Hospitalar do Porto, particularmente, taxa de consolidações, complicações observadas, reintervenções e comparação com os estudos publicados. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, com cinco anos, dos doentes submetidos a artrodese atlantoaxial no Centro Hospitalar do Porto. RESULTADOS: Foram operados 11 doentes no período do estudo, a maioria com instabilidade de causa traumática. O método de artrodese mais utilizado foi o descrito por Magerl. Não foram observadas lesões vasculares. Foram registradas complicações infecciosas em quatro doentes, sendo que essas infecções foram mais comuns em doentes com patologias inflamatórias de base. Obteve-se uma taxa de consolidação da artrodese de 100 por cento; não foram necessárias cirurgias de revisão. CONCLUSÃO: Em nossa série, as artrodeses posteriores pelas técnicas de Harms e de Magerl resultaram em um ótimo controle da instabilidade C1-C2. Doentes com indicação de artrodese por instabilidade reumática apresentaram alta taxa de complicações infecciosas.(AU)
- Artrodese versus artroplastia da primeira articulação metatarsofalângica no tratamento do hallux rigidus – Estudo comparativo de pacientes selecionados apropriadamentePublication . Santos Silva, Marta; Rodrigues-Pinto, Ricardo; Barros, Luís H.; Sousa, Arnaldo; Muras, JoséObjective Historical results of arthroplasty of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (1MTP) are relatively poor; however, improvements in the understanding of the normal foot biomechanics, implant materials and design currently make arthroplasty a reasonable option in appropriately selected patients. The present study aimed to compare the clinical and radiographic results of 1MTP arthrodesis and arthroplasty in the treatment of hallux rigidus and to present a rationale for patient selection for arthroplasty. Methods A total of 36 patients (38 feet) with hallux rigidus submitted to surgery (12 arthrodesis and 26 arthroplasties) were prospectively included in the study. Pain was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the functional status was assessed using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Hallux Metatarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal (AOFAS-HMI) scale. Complications and radiographic results were also analyzed, and survival rates were calculated for both procedures. Results All of the patients reported significant improvement in pain and functional status after surgery. Patients submitted to arthroplasty had better functional results on the AOFAS-HMI scale (89.7 versus 65.7 points; p < 0.001) and better pain relief (VAS 1.6 versus 3.9 points; p = 0.002) when compared with the group submitted to arthrodesis. There was one case of infection in the arthroplasty group and 2 cases of pseudarthrosis in the arthrodesis group. Conclusion Arthrodesis provides pain relief and satisfactory results but alters the biomechanics of gait. Like arthrodesis, arthroplasty improves pain significantly, being a more physiological alternative to preserve the biomechanics of the foot. While the two surgical methods yielded good clinical results, selected patients submitted to arthroplasty had better clinical scores and lower revision rates.
- Artroplastia total do joelho em doente previamente patelectomizado: reconstrução patelar com técnica original utilizando autoenxerto de prato tibialPublication . Neves, P.; Soares, D.; Costa, L.; Sousa, R.Introdução: os autores pretendem demonstrar uma técnica original de reconstrução patelar, apresentando para isso um caso clínico. Trata-se de uma doente previamente submetida a patelectomia por artrose patelofemoral, que acabou por desenvolver artrose femoro-tibial que condicionava dor resistente ao tratamento conservador. Perante uma doente com diminuição de força do aparelho extensor, consideramos que seria benéfica a reconstrução patelar no momento da artroplastia. Caso Clínico: neste trabalho apresentamos o estado funcional da doente, incluindo as mobilidades e scores funcionais pré e pós-operatórios. São descritos em pormenor todos os passos que constituíram o procedimento cirúrgico, incluindo a colheita do enxerto, o ajuste do mesmo às dimensões e forma necessárias e a forma de integração em bolsa subsinovial confecionada. Discussão-Conclusão: a patelectomia não deve excluir a indicação para artroplastia do joelho, não só pelos bons resultados que pode ter como também pela diversidade de técnicas de reconstrução patelar que existe. Apesar dos bons resultados com as técnicas já conhecidas, todas acabam por ter desvantagens nem sempre desprezíveis. O uso de prato tibial externo parece-nos uma excelente opção com morbilidade mínima que além dos bons resultados obtidos no imediato, demonstrou vantagem clínica a médio prazo.
- Beyond Gonarthrosis in the Elderly: A Case Report of Subchondral Insufficiency Fracture of the KneePublication . Martins, Mariana; Araújo, Raquel; Pinheiro, Rosana; Costa, Ana; Carvalho, José LuísSubchondral insufficiency fracture of the knee (SIFK) is a non-traumatic condition that has been, historically, associated with the elderly. Early diagnosis and management are essential to prevent evolution to subchondral collapse and secondary osteonecrosis, developing prolonged pain and functional losses. This article presents the case of an 83-year-old patient with severe right knee pain with 15 months of evolution, with sudden onset, and no history of trauma or sprain. Upon observation, the patient presented with a limping gait, antalgic posture with the knee in semi-flexion, pain on palpation of the joint medial line, severe pain on passive mobilization, limited joint range of motion, and a positive McMurray test. The X-ray only demonstrated a gonarthrosis grade 1 in the Kellgren and Lawrence classification with medial compartment affection. Due to the exuberant clinical picture with marked functional compromise, as well as clinical radiological dissociation, MRI was requested to rule out SIFK, which was later confirmed. The therapeutic orientation was then adjusted with an indication for non-weight bearing and analgesia, as well as orientation to an orthopedics consultation to request a surgical evaluation. SIFK is difficult to diagnose and may have an unpredictable outcome due to delayed treatment approaches. This clinical case encourages clinicians to consider subchondral fracture in the differential diagnosis of knee pain when an older patient, with subnormal radiographic findings, reports severe knee pain in the absence of overt traumatic injury