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  • Liver Transplantation for Acute Hepatic Failure Following Intentional Iron Overdose
    Publication . Eça, Rosário; Ferreira, Sofia; Gandara, Judit; Pessegueiro Miranda, Helena; Daniel, Jorge
    The majority of acute iron toxicity cases occur in young children from accidental ingestion. In adults, iron poisoning is rare and mostly due to intentional ingestion. Physicians, particularly those who do not routinely treat pediatric patients, are often unfamiliar with the clinical manifestation of iron poisoning, its management, and its potential for multiple organ failure, especially liver damage. Severe acute hepatotoxicity treated with liver transplantation is rare in adults, with very limited published literature. We report a case of a severe iron tablet overdose with suicidal intent that progressed to fulminant hepatic failure despite medical treatment, ultimately treated with liver transplantation.
  • Advanced Glycation End Products Evolution after Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation: Plasmatic and Cutaneous Assessments
    Publication . Martins, L.; Oliveira, J.; Vizcaíno, J.; Fonseca, R.; Gouveia, C.; Silva, D.; Castro-Henriques, A.; Noronha, I.; Rodrigues, A.
    Diabetes mellitus leads to increased Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) production, which has been associated with secondary diabetic complications. Type 1 diabetic patients undergoing pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) can restore normoglycemia and renal function, eventually decreasing AGE accumulation. We aimed to prospectively study AGE evolution after SPKT. Circulating AGE were assessed in 20 patients, at time 0 (T0), 3 months (T3), 6 months (T6), and 12 months (T12) after successful SPKT. Global AGE and carboxymethyllysine (CML) were analyzed, as well as advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP). Skin biopsies were obtained at T0 and T12. Immunohistochemistry with anti-AGE antibody evaluated skin AGE deposition. AGE mean values were 16.8 ± 6.4 μg/mL at T0; 17.1 ± 3.8 μg/mL at T3; 17.5 ± 5.6 μg/mL at T6; and 16.0 ± 5.2 μg/mL at T12. CML mean values were 0.94 ± 0.36 ng/mL at T0; 1.11 ± 0.48 ng/mL at T3; 0.99 ± 0.42 ng/mL at T6; and 0.78 ± 0.38 ng/mL at T12. AOPP mean values were 130.1 ± 76.8 μMol/L at T0; 137.3 ± 110.6 μMol/L at T3; 116.4 ± 51.2 μMol/L at T6; and 106.4 ± 57.9 μMol/L at T12. CML variation was significant (P = 0.022); AOPP variation was nearly significant (P = 0.076). Skin biopsies evolved mostly from a cytoplasmic diffuse to a peripheral interkeratinocytic immunoreaction pattern; in 7 cases, a reduction in AGE immunoreaction intensity was evident at T12. In conclusion, glycoxidation markers decrease, plasmatic and on tissues, may start early after SPKT. Studies with prolonged follow-up may confirm these data.
  • Foramen of Winslow hernia: case report of a minimally invasive approach
    Publication . Brandão, P.; Mesquita, I.; Sampaio, M.; Martins, P.; Daniel, J.; Davide, J.
    Foramen of Winslow hernias account for 8% of all internal hernias. Their non-specific presentation and often late diagnosis are associated with an estimated mortality of 50%. The use of complementary diagnostic methods facilitates the diagnosis and planning of the therapeutic strategy. Urgent surgery is the appropriate treatment due to the risk of intestinal ischemia, being laparotomy the main form of approach described. Few cases of laparoscopy are referred to in the literature.
  • Hydatid Cyst Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasound
    Publication . Castro-Poças, F.; Araújo, T.; Coelho, A.; Silva, D.; Pedroto, I.
    A 69-year-old female with unremarkable past history underwent endoscopy for dyspepsia. She denied weight loss or anorexia. Upper endoscopy revealed a bulge in the lesser curvature and posterior wall of the stomach with 4-5 cm. Endoscopic ultrasound was performed which showed a heterogeneous lesion, anechogenic in the major part, with a floating membrane inside, the greatest diameter of 90.8 × 17.2 mm, originated in the left liver lobe. Surgical resection was performed. Pathologic examination revealed a cystic lesion with an acellular thick fibrous wall, surrounded by a conspicuous inflammatory reaction. The cyst wall revealed a characteristic lamellar pattern of the fibers. In the internal surface of the lesion, there were remains of membranous structures, amidst which a vestigial Protoscolex was noted. In the presented case, a floating membrane was observed, which is a pathognomonic feature, establishing the diagnosis of hydatid cyst type 3. Fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasound was not performed due to the certainty in the diagnosis. To the authors' knowledge, these are the first images by endoscopic ultrasound of hydatid cyst of liver presented as a bulge in the stomach with pathognomonic features, which allowed the definitive diagnosis with no need for further diagnostic tests.
  • Do item-writing flaws reduce examinations psychometric quality?
    Publication . Pais, J.; Silva, A.; Guimarães, B.; Povo, A.; Coelho, E.; Silva-Pereira, F.; Lourinho, I.; Ferreira, M.; Severo, M.
    Background The psychometric characteristics of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) changed when taking into account their anatomical sites and the presence of item-writing flaws (IWF). The aim is to understand the impact of the anatomical sites and the presence of IWF in the psychometric qualities of the MCQ. Results 800 Clinical Anatomy MCQ from eight examinations were classified as standard or flawed items and according to one of the eight anatomical sites. An item was classified as flawed if it violated at least one of the principles of item writing. The difficulty and discrimination indices of each item were obtained. 55.8 % of the MCQ were flawed items. The anatomical site of the items explained 6.2 and 3.2 % of the difficulty and discrimination parameters and the IWF explained 2.8 and 0.8 %, respectively. Conclusions The impact of the IWF was heterogeneous, the Writing the Stem and Writing the Choices categories had a negative impact (higher difficulty and lower discrimination) while the other categories did not have any impact. The anatomical site effect was higher than IWF effect in the psychometric characteristics of the examination. When constructing MCQ, the focus should be in the topic/area of the items and only after in the presence of IWF.
  • Perforated duodenal diverticulum: Surgical treatment and literature review
    Publication . Costa Simões, V.; Santos, B.; Magalhães, S.; Faria, G.; Sousa Silva, D.; Davide, J.
    Duodenum is the second most frequent location for a diverticulum in the digestive tract. Complications are rare and perforation was only reported in less than 200 cases. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 79-year-old female was admitted to Emergency Department with abdominal pain and vomiting for the last 24h. A CT scan was performed and moderated extra-luminal air was identified. During surgery a fourth portion perforated duodenal diverticulum was diagnosed and duodenal resection was performed. DISCUSSION: First reported in 1710, the incidence of duodenal diverticula can be as high as 22%. Nevertheless complications are extremely rare and include haemorrhage, inflammation, compression of surrounding organs, neoplastic progression, cholestasis and perforation. As perforations are often retroperitoneal, symptoms are nonspecific and rarely include peritoneal irritation, making clinical diagnose a challenge. CT scan will usually present extra-luminal retroperitoneal air and mesenteric fat stranding, providing clues for the diagnosis. Although non-operative treatment has been reported in selected patients, standard treatment is surgery and alternatives are diverse including diverticulectomy or duodenopancreatectomy. CONCLUSION: Perforated diverticula of the fourth portion of the duodenum are extremely rare and current evidence still supports surgery as the primary treatment modality.
  • Imaging of pancreas transplantation and its complications
    Publication . França, M.; Certo, M.; Martins, L.; Varzim, P.; Teixeira, M.; Castro-Henriques, A.; Ribeiro, A.; Alves, F.
    Abstract Pancreas transplantation is an effective treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus and is being increasingly performed worldwide. Early recognition of graft-related complications is fundamental for graft survival; thus, radiologists must be aware of the transplantation technique, pancreas-graft imaging and postoperative complications. We present normal pancreas-graft imaging appearances and the imaging features of postoperative complications.
  • Endosalpingiosis of choledochal duct
    Surgery. 2007 Nov;142(5):778. Endosalpingiosis of choledochal duct. Mesquita I, Encinas A, Gradil C, Davide J, Daniel J, Graça L, Teixeira M. PMID:17981201[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • CMV infection of liver transplant recipients: comparison of antigenemia and molecular biology assays.
    Publication . Amorim, M.; Cabeda, J.; Seca, R.; Mendes, A.; Castro, A.; Amorim, J.
    Abstract BACKGROUND: CMV is a major clinical problem in transplant recipients. Thus, it is important to use sensitive and specific diagnostic techniques to rapidly and accurately detect CMV infection and identify patients at risk of developing CMV disease. In the present study, CMV infection after liver transplantation was monitored retrospectively by two molecular biology assays - a quantitative PCR assay and a qualitative NASBA assay. The results were compared with those obtained by prospective pp65 antigenemia determinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 87 consecutive samples from 10 liver transplanted patients were tested for CMV by pp65 antigenemia, and CMV monitor and NASBA pp67 mRNA assay. RESULTS: CMV infection was detected in all patients by antigenemia and CMV monitor, whereas NASBA assay identified only 8/10 patients with viremia. Furthermore, CMV infection was never detected earlier by molecular biology assays than by antigenemia. Only 5/10 patients with CMV infection developed CMV disease. Using a cut off value of 8 cells/50,000, antigenemia was found to be the assay that better identified patients at risk of developing CMV disease. However, the kinetics of the onset of infection detected by NASBA and CMV monitor seemed to have better identified patients at risk of developing CMV disease. Furthermore, before onset of disease, CMV pp67 mRNA was found to have similar or better negative and positive predictive values for the development of CMV disease. CONCLUSIONS: The present data, suggests that the concomitant use of antigenemia and pp67 mRNA assay gives the best identification of patients at risk of developing CMV disease.