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- Caso Estomatológico: Cáries de BiberãoPublication . Amorim, J.
- Caso estomatológico: Angina de LudwigPublication . Amorim, J.ABSTRACT A 17 year-old-girl was referred to our department because of facial swelling, trismus and pain. She had had previous drainage of the swelling and was on antibioticotherapy. Ludwigs angina was diagnosed; the orthopanthomagraphy showed dental abscess and caries. She had intravenous antibiotherapy and dental extraction with resolution of the condition.
- Caso estomatológico: papiloma da línguaPublication . Amorim, J.ABSTRACT An 11 year-old boy was referred to our department due to a slow growing and painless neoformation of the dorsum of the tongue. Excisional biopsy was performed, and the histology revealed a squamous papiloma.
- Caso Estomatológico: Dentes pré-decíduos ou dentes nataisPublication . Amorim, J.
- Caso estomatológico: fibroma ameloblásticoPublication . Amorim, J.ABSTRACT A 14 year-old boy presented to our department for evaluation of an asymptomatic swelling in the right vestibular zone. The panoramic radiograph revealed a well-defined radiolucent image. Diagnosis: ameloblastic fibroma. The ameloblastic fibroma is a benign tumor composed of odontogenic epithelium. It ocurs in children and young adults and is more frequently observed in the premolar and molar zone of the mandible, causing cortical expansion. It’s relatively aggressive and tends to recur. Radiologically it is manifested by a welldefined radiolucent area. The treatment is surgical.
- Caso Estomatológico: Luxação de incisivo maxilar definitivoPublication . Amorim, J.
- Caso Estomatológico: Quisto EruptivoPublication . Amorim, J.