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- Alcohol consumption among patients with hepatitis B infection in northern Portugal considering gender and hepatitis B virus genotype differencesPublication . Mota, A.; Guedes, F.; Areias, J.; Pinho, L.; Cardoso, M.Alcohol. 2010 Mar;44(2):149-56. Epub 2010 Jan 29. Alcohol consumption among patients with hepatitis B infection in northern Portugal considering gender and hepatitis B virus genotype differences. Mota A, Guedes F, Areias J, Pinho L, Cardoso MF. SourceInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Abstract Alcohol abuse is an important public health problem. In Portugal with a population of 10 millions of inhabitants, there are around 10% of alcoholics or excessive alcohol drinkers and 1% of chronically infected patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV). To examine the characteristics of patients with higher levels of alcohol consumption and to investigate the association between alcohol consumption and liver damage a total of 298 chronically infected individuals, with HBV genotyped and submitted to liver biopsy, were classified with Child's grading and separated by habits of alcohol intake, less and greater than 20g/day. No significant differences were observed about genotype but genotypes A and D were predominant in both of them. A higher percentage of males (P<.001) were observed in the group with alcohol intake above 20g/day, as well a lower proportion of patients with HBeAg negativity (P< or =.035). In this group, biochemistry parameters, such as alanine aminotransferase (P=.006), aspartate aminotransferase (P=.001), gamma-glutamyl transferase (P<.001) were elevated in a significantly higher proportion than in the other group. The analysis of hematological parameters showed significantly lower values of platelets (P=.042) and mean corpuscular volume (P<.001) and significantly higher values of prothrombin time (P<.001) in the group with higher levels of alcohol consumption. The characteristics of biopsy (P<.001) and Child-Phug's classification (P=.002) revealed more severe results in this group. Logistic regression showed a positive association between liver damage and alcohol intake, increasing with age. In female patients, a strong positive association between alcohol intake and liver damage was also found (odds ratio: 9.379; 95% confidence interval: 0.859-468.422; P = .037); however, the most severe cases were only observed in women older than 45 years. In patients with HBV infection, alcohol is associated with a more severe liver disease. No evidence was found concerning association with HBV genotype. 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis among patients with hepatitis B virus infection in northern Portugal with reference to the viral genotypes.Publication . Mota, A.; Areias, J.; Cardoso, M.J Med Virol. 2011 Jan;83(1):71-7. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis among patients with hepatitis B virus infection in northern Portugal with reference to the viral genotypes. Mota A, Areias J, Cardoso MF. SourceICBAS Abel Salazar Biomedical Institute, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. Abstract The prevalence of infection with hepatitis B virus in Portugal is around 1% of the population; 20-30% of those infected typically develop cirrhosis. The study focuses on the epidemiological profile of patients with hepatitis B infection and liver damage, in particular, cirrhosis. Of the 358 individuals that comprised the study, a liver biopsy was performed in 249 to identify the presence of cirrhosis. Cirrhosis was observed in 59 patients (23.7%) The Child-Pugh classification was used to assess the prognosis of cirrhosis: 3 out of the 59 patients were classified as Child-Pugh grade C, the most severe, 17 (28.8%) as grade B, and 39 (66.2%) as grade A. Patients classified as grade B were older, drank more, and showed higher levels of AST and alkaline phosphatase when compared with individuals classified as grade A. Genotypes A and D were predominant, and no significant differences with respect to genotype distribution were observed. Analysis of the hematological parameters showed that patients classified as Child's grade B had lower levels of platelets and higher levels of prothrombin time than those classified as Child's grade A. The profile of the patients with cirrhosis, including an extended number of individual characteristics, provides useful information, however, only a prospective study could evaluate definitively if liver disease is influenced by these factors. Future studies would benefit from the analysis of the impact of genotypes on liver disease, particularly genotypes A and D, the most predominant genotypes in northern Portugal. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
- Defeitos da β-Oxidação Mitocondrial dos Ácidos Gordos - Artigo de RevisãoPublication . Sarmento, A.; Cardoso, M.; Barbo, C.; Martins, E.RESUMO Os defeitos da β-oxidação dos ácidos gordos constituem um grupo de doenças hereditárias do metabolismo que inclui 16 patologias distintas. O seu diagnóstico é por vezes difícil, visto que a maioria dos doentes está assintomática fora dos períodos de descompensação metabólica. O objectivo deste artigo é efectuar uma revisão do estado actual do conhecimento e apresentar de forma simplificada uma abordagem diagnóstica deste grupo de doenças. Clinicamente os defeitos da β-oxidação caracterizam-se pelo envolvimento de órgãos dependentes do metabolismo dos ácidos gordos para obtenção de energia, nomeadamente: coração, músculo esquelético e fígado. Há que exclui-las no contexto de síndrome de morte súbita do lactente e síndrome Reye like. As manifestações podem ser agudas e episódicas ou evoluir para formas crónicas (com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e fraqueza muscular). A maioria manifesta- se durante o 1º ano de vida. Em termos laboratoriais é comum uma hipoglicemia hipocetótica e acidose metabólica. O diagnóstico é feito a partir do doseamento da carnitina, estudo do perfil das acilcarnitinas no plasma e estudo dos ácidos orgânicos e acilglicinas na urina. Os estudos genéticos e enzimáticos permitem confirmar o diagnóstico e são indispensáveis para a realização de um posterior diagnóstico pré-natal. O tratamento consiste em prevenir um jejum prolongado, favorecer o aporte de hidratos de carbono como fonte de energia e, dependendo do défice específicos, recorrer ao tratamento com carnitina, MCT e riboflavina. ABSTRACT Inborn defects in fatty acid β-oxidation are a complex group of diseases in which 16 different entities are recognized. These are genetic disorders, in which affected patients are often free of symptoms between episodes of acute decompensation, so clinical recognition may be difficult. The purpose of this article is to review this group of defects and, to present an approach to the appropriate evaluation. Clinically these diseases involve fatty acid β-oxidation energy dependent tissues like skeletal and cardiac muscle and liver. They must be considered in cases of sudden infant death syndrome and Reye like syndrome. Symptoms may be either acute and episodic or have a more chronic evolution (with hypertrophic cardiomiopaty and muscle weakness). Most of the times, they present in the first year of life. Laboratory features commonly present hipoketotic hypoglycemia and a metabolic acidosis. Carnitine measurement, study of acylcarnitines in blood, organic acids and acylglycines in urine are important to diagnosis. Currently genetic studies and enzyme activity measurement allow a precise diagnosis and better understanding of theses entities. The primary treatment is avoidance of prolonged fasting, restricting fatty acid uptake and increasing carbohydrate uptake. Depending on the type of the underlying metabolic disorder, treatment with carnitine, MCT or riboflavine may be indicated.
- Epidemiological study of genotypes of hepatitis B virus in northerm PortugalPublication . Mota, A.; Guedes, F.; Areias, J.; Pinho, L.; Cardoso, M.ed Virol. 2009 Jul;81(7):1170-6. Epidemiological study of genotypes of hepatitis B virus in northern Portugal. Mota A, Guedes F, Areias J, Pinho L, Cardoso MF. SourceInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Abstract While the overall prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Portugal is around 1%, there are no published studies examining HBV genotypes in this country. This study aimed to survey HBV genotypes in the northern Portugal and to examine the possible associations between genotypes and gender, viral transmission routes, viral markers, viral load, and biochemical tests of liver function. The study sample consists of 340 patients with HBV infection of whom 42.9% were women. Tests were carried out for HBV genotypes and biochemical liver function while demographic information, including alcohol intake, was obtained from the patient files. The results indicate the predominance of genotype D (60.3%) and genotype A (31.5%). Intrafamilial transmission was predominant in female patients, while males were infected in equal proportions by perinatal, sexual, and intrafamilial transmission. Absence of HBeAg was found in a significantly smaller proportion of female patients with genotype D as compared to A (56.6% vs. 82.1%, P = 0.028). High viral load was associated significantly and independently with genotype D and HBeAg. Both alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT and AST) were associated with gender and HBeAg. Thus, genotypes A and D were found to be the most prevalent in the north of Portugal. Patients infected with genotype D had higher levels of HBV DNA. HBeAg was associated with genotype D, viral load, and ALT and AST.
- A expressão genotípica do vírus da Hepatite BPublication . Mota, A.; Areias, J.; Cardoso, M.
- Investigação Bioquímica e Molecular na Morte Súbita do Lactente (SIDS)Publication . Cardoso, M.; Pinheiro, J.; Pereira, C.; Sousa, C.; Nogueira, C.; Tesa, A.; Ramos, A.; Balreira, A.; Lima, C.; Valongo, C.; Couto, D.; Quelhas, D.; Fonseca, H.; Rocha, H.; Almeida, L.; Rodrigues, R.; Santos, R.; Santorelli, F.; Vilarinho, L.RESUMO SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) é a designação utilizada para definir a morte súbita do lactente, que permanece inexplicada após uma cuidadosa investigação do caso, a qual incluí a realização de autópsia, o exame do local da morte e a análise da história clínica. Devido à rápida deterioração que provocam, as doenças metabólicas constituem potenciais causas de morte súbita, quer pelas crises que ocasionam com intoxicação e comprometimento da sobrevivência do indivíduo, quer por provocarem alterações que aumentam o risco de falência de determinados orgãos. Objectivos: Com este trabalho pretendemos avaliar o contributo relativo das doenças metabólicas e dos défices energéticos nas situações de morte súbita e inexplicada do lactente, na população portuguesa. Pacientes e Métodos: Foram disponibilizadas para investigação amostras biológicas congeladas de 51 lactentes cuja causa de morte era desconhecida. Os produtos foram colhidos durante a autópsia e incluíram: soro, urina, humor vítreo, músculo e fígado. Nos fluídos biológicos fez-se o estudo dos aminoácidos e dos ácidos orgânicos e nos tecidos sólidos o doseamento da actividade dos vários complexos da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial e do teor em glicogénio. Foi ainda efectuada a extracção de DNA total a partir dos tecidos sólidos acima referidos o qual foi utilizado para estudos moleculares. Resultados: Foi possível identificar através dos estudos moleculares um caso de intolerância hereditária à frutose - HFI (homozigotia para a mutação A149P no gene ALDOB). Nos estudos bioquímicos foi encontrado um caso positivo de very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase - VLCAD e na maioria das determinações efectuadas, desvios em relação aos controlos normais inerentes ao catabolismo e aos processos de cadaverização, sendo de salientar: valores muito elevados dos aminoácidos séricos e a presença sistemática de grande quantidade de ácido láctico na urina. Conclusões: Nas doenças metabólicas o risco de recorrência existe e a identificação de um caso classificado como SIDS, como sendo na realidade um erro inato do metabolismo, é importante para a família, quer em termos de instituição de tratamento adequado e adopção de medidas preventivas, quer em termos de aconselhamento genético. ABSTRACT SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is the sudden and unexpected death including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of death scene, and review of clinical history. Metabolic disorders can lead to sudden dead because they cause crises of intoxication and life threatening, with dysfunction of several organs, that raise the risk of general failure. Objectives: Our main objective with this study, was to evaluate the significance of metabolic disorders and energy deficiencies in sudden infant death syndrome, in Portuguese population. Patients and Methods: We got biological frozen samples from 51 children whose cause of dead was unknown. The products were collected during autopsy and included: serum, urine, humour vitreous, muscle and liver. In the biological fluids samples we analysed amino acids as well as organic acids, and in referred tissues we determinate the activity of the respiratory chain complexes and the amount of glycogen. It was also possible to get total DNA from solid tissues which was used for molecular studies. Results: Based on molecular findings, it was possible to identify one case of fructose intolerance - HFI (patient homozygous for A149P in ALDOB gene). Biochemical studies revealed one case of very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase - VLCAD deficiency. However, in the majority of the assays performed deviations from normal controls were found, due to catabolism post-morten (plasmatic increase of amino acids and high excretion of lactic acid in urine). Conclusions: In metabolic disorders the risk of recurrence exists. The misdiagnosed inherited errors of metabolism as SIDS, it is important for the family, in terms of treatment, prevention attitude and genetic counselling. of an infant which remains unexplained
- Lipid Antigen Presentation by CD1b and CD1d in Lysosomal Storage Disease PatientsPublication . Pereira, C.; Pérez-Cabezas, B.; Ribeiro, H.; Maia, M.; Cardoso, M.; Dias, A.; Azevedo, O.; Ferreira, M.; Garcia, P.; Rodrigues, E.; Castro-Chaves, P.; Martins, Esmeralda; Aguiar, P.; Pineda, M.; Amraoui, Y.; Fecarotta, S.; Leão-Teles, E.; Deng, S.; Savage, P.; Macedo, M.The lysosome has a key role in the presentation of lipid antigens by CD1 molecules. While defects in lipid antigen presentation and in invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) cell response were detected in several mouse models of lysosomal storage diseases (LSD), the impact of lysosomal engorgement in human lipid antigen presentation is poorly characterized. Here, we analyzed the capacity of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) from Fabry, Gaucher, Niemann Pick type C and Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI disease patients to present exogenous antigens to lipid-specific T cells. The CD1b- and CD1d-restricted presentation of lipid antigens by Mo-DCs revealed an ability of LSD patients to induce CD1-restricted T cell responses within the control range. Similarly, freshly isolated monocytes from Fabry and Gaucher disease patients had a normal ability to present α-Galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) antigen by CD1d. Gaucher disease patients' monocytes had an increased capacity to present α-Gal-(1-2)-αGalCer, an antigen that needs internalization and processing to become antigenic. In summary, our results show that Fabry, Gaucher, Niemann Pick type C, and Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI disease patients do not present a decreased capacity to present CD1d-restricted lipid antigens. These observations are in contrast to what was observed in mouse models of LSD. The percentage of total iNKT cells in the peripheral blood of these patients is also similar to control individuals. In addition, we show that the presentation of exogenous lipids that directly bind CD1b, the human CD1 isoform with an intracellular trafficking to the lysosome, is normal in these patients.
- Liver Transplantation Prevents Progressive Neurological Impairment in ArgininemiaPublication . Santos-Silva, E.; Cardoso, M.; Vilarinho, L.; Medina, M.; Barbot, C.; Martins, E.Argininemia is a rare hereditary disease due to a deficiency of hepatic arginase, which is the last enzyme of the urea cycle and hydrolyzes arginine to ornithine and urea. The onset of the disease is usually in childhood, and clinical manifestations include progressive spastic paraparesis and mental retardation. Liver involvement is less frequent and usually not as severe as observed in other UCDs. For this reason, and because usually there is a major neurological disease at diagnosis, patients with argininemia are rarely considered as candidates for OLT despite its capacity to replace the deficient enzyme by an active one. We report on long-term follow-up of two patients with argininemia. Patient 1 was diagnosed by the age of 20 months and despite appropriate conventional treatment progressed to spastic paraparesis with marked limp. OLT was performed at 10 years of age with normalization of plasmatic arginine levels and guanidino compounds. Ten years post-OLT, under free diet, there is no progression of neurological lesions. The second patient (previously reported by our group) was diagnosed at 2 months of age, during a neonatal cholestasis workup study. OLT was performed at the age of 7 years, due to liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, in the absence of neurological lesions and an almost-normal brain MRI. After OLT, under free diet, there was normalization of plasmatic arginine levels and guanidino compounds. Twelve years post-OLT, she presents a normal neurological examination. We conclude that OLT prevents progressive neurological impairment in argininemia and should be considered when appropriate conventional treatment fails.
- Perfil epidemiológico e genotípico da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B no Norte de PortugalPublication . Mota, A.; Guedes, F.; Areias, J.; Pinho, L.; Cardoso, M.RESUMO OBJECTIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e genotípico da infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite B na Região Norte de Portugal. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 358 indivíduos oriundos das consultas de especialidade que apresentavam resultados positivos para o antígeno da hepatite B durante pelo menos seis meses em dois hospitais do Norte de Portugal em 2008 e 2009. Os dados foram obtidos a partir dos processos clínicos, determinações laboratoriais feitas quando da genotipagem do vírus, ecografia e/ou ultra-sonografia e biópsia hepática. As características demográficas, marcadores víricos, carga viral e genótipos, e severidade da doença hepática foram avaliadas e comparadas entre sexos. RESULTADOS: Os genótipos A e D predominaram. A transmissão intrafamiliar ocorreu predominantemente nas mulheres. Um terço das mulheres apresentava ingestão alcoólica superior a 20 g/dia, aumentando para 58,9% nos homens. A ausência do AgHBe foi semelhante nos dois sexos (p = 0,662). Os parâmetros bioquímicos em geral apresentaram-se com valores mais altos nos homens, assim como nos estágios necro-inflamatório e de esteatose hepática (p = 0,003). CONCLUSÕES: As diferenças relativas às vias de transmissão da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B entre homens e mulheres podem ser conseqüência de comportamentos de risco associadas ao género. A ingestão excessiva de álcool é predominante nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, assim como maior severidade da doença hepática em relação às mulheres. Descritores: Hepatite B, epidemiologia. Vírus da Hepatite B, isolamento & purificação. Fatores de Risco. Epidemiologia Descritiva.
- Urgências em Doenças Metabólicas - Diagnóstico LaboratorialPublication . Cardoso, M.