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- Acute ischemic stroke secondary to glioblastoma. A case reportPublication . Pina, S.; Carneiro, A.; Rodrigues, T.; Samões, R.; Taipa, R.; Melo-Pires, M.; Pereira, C.Glioblastoma is a malignant infiltrative glial tumor occurring most often over 50 years of age, with diverse clinical presentations. We describe a case of temporal lobe glioblastoma with a rare presentation as an acute ischemic stroke, discussing the imaging and histopathological findings, and reviewing the literature. A 77-year-old woman had sudden onset of left hemiparesis and hemihypoesthesia. The neuroradiological studies revealed an acute ischemic lesion in the right lenticulostriate arteries territory and a right anterior temporal lobe tumor, enhancing heterogeneously after contrast with enhancement of the right middle cerebral artery wall. Histopathological analysis of the resected temporal lesion revealed a glioblastoma multiforme with tumoral infiltration of the vascular wall. Glioblastoma should be considered in the etiology of acute ischemic stroke, where neuroimaging plays an important diagnostic role, enabling a more immediate therapeutic approach, with a consequent impact on survival.
- Arterial Spin Labeling: Experiência Inicial, Indicações Clínicas e DificuldadesPublication . Carneiro, A.; Pina, S.; Moreira, B.RESUMO O arterial spin labeling (ASL) é uma técnica de perfusão por ressonância magnética (RM) que usa os protões das moléculas de água do sangue arterial como marcador endógeno. As suas principais vantagens residem no facto de ser um método não invasivo, rápido e que dispensa a administração de contraste. Actualmente os seus resultados são reprodutíveis de modo robusto, o que o torna uma ferramenta cada vez mais utilizada na prática clínica. O objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar a nossa experiência inicial com o ASL, salientando os aspectos técnicos, as principais solicitações clínicas, os resultados obtidos e as dificuldades experimentadas. Métodos: Foi efectuada uma revisão dos exames realizados durante um período de oito meses, usando uma técnica de ASL pulsado, num aparelho de 3T. A avaliação dos mapas de perfusão foi realizada de modo qualitativo. Resultados: As principais indicações clínicas para a realização de ASL foram epilepsia, doenças neuro-degenerativas e tumores intra-parenquimatosos. Embora o ASL não tenha sido, em nenhum dos casos, a principal ferramenta diagnóstica, contribuiu, por vezes, com dados fisiológicos importantes para o diagnóstico e para a orientação terapêutica. Salientam-se os casos de doentes com múltiplas crises epilépticas nos quais foi possível identificar focos de hiperperfusão pós-ictal (cujos resultados foram concordantes com o SPECT). Destacam-se ainda casos de doenças neuro-degenerativas nos quais o ASL identificou áreas de hipoperfusão típicas das respectivas entidades nosológicas. As principais dificuldades estiveram relacionadas com o carácter qualitativo da avaliação e com a valorização clínica dos achados. Conclusão: O estudo da perfusão cerebral por ASL tem um potencial diagnóstico importante. Com este trabalho mostramos que, com uma aquisição rápida e pós-processamento simples, pode facilmente integrar os estudos de RM de rotina. Abstract Arterial spin labelling (ASL) is a MR perfusion technique that uses protons from water molecules of the arterial blood as an endogenous tracer. It is fast, non-invasive and does not require gadolinium administration. Due to the increasing robustness of the results, it is becoming an important clinical tool. In this article we present our initial experience with ASL, highlighting some technical aspects, the main clinical applications, some achieved results and most important difficulties. Methods: Review of the examinations performed during eight months, using a pulsating ASL technique in a 3T machine. Perfusion maps were evaluated qualitatively. Results: The most frequent clinical applications were epilepsy, neurodegenerative disorders and tumours. Although perfusion data from ASL had never been crucial for diagnosis, it still provided substantial information. We highlight two epileptic patients who had had recent seizures, in which ASL depicted distinct post-ictal hyperperfusion areas (with the results being confirmed by SPECT studies). The impact was also remarkable in patients with neurodegenerative disorders in which ASL depicted hypoperfusion areas, typical of each nosological entity. The main difficulties were related to the lack of quantitative evaluation and to the clinical interpretation of the results obtained. Conclusion: ASL perfusion studies have a great potential in several clinical conditions. In this article we show that, with a fast acquisition and easy post-processing, it can integrate routine MRI examinations.
- A case-control study on risk factors for early-onset respiratory tract infection in patients admitted in ICUPublication . Cardoso, T.; Lopes, M.; Carneiro, A.BACKGROUND: Respiratory tract infections are common in intensive care units (ICU), with incidences reported from 10 to 65%, and case fatality rates over 20% in pneumonia. This study was designed to identify risk factors for the development of an early onset respiratory tract infection (ERI) and to review the microbiological profile and the effectiveness of first intention antibiotic therapy. METHODS: Case-control, retrospective clinical study of the patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of our hospital, a teaching and tertiary care facility, from January to September 2000 who had a respiratory tract infection diagnosed in the first 5 days of hospital stay. RESULTS: Of the 385 patients admitted to our unit: 129 (33,5%) had a diagnosis of ERI and 86 patients were admitted to the control group. Documented aspiration (adjusted OR = 5,265; 95% CI = 1,155 - 24,007) and fractured ribs (adjusted OR = 12,150; 95% CI = 1,571 - 93,941) were found to be independent risk factors for the development of ERI (multiple logistic regression model performed with the diagnostic group as dependent variable and adjusted for age, sex, SAPS II, documented aspiration, non-elective oro-tracheal intubation (OTI), fractured ribs, pneumothorax and pleural effusion).A total of 78 organisms were isolated in 61 patients (47%). The normal flora of the upper airway (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza and Moraxella catharralis) accounted for 72% of all isolations achieved, polimicrobian infections were responsible for 25% of all microbiological documented infections. First intention treatment was, in 62% of the patients, the association amoxacillin+clavulanate, being effective in 75% of the patients to whom it was administered. The patients with ERI needed more days of OTI (6 vs 2, p < 0,001) and mechanical ventilation (6 vs 2, p < 0,001) and had a longer ICU (7 vs 2, p < 0,001) and hospital length of stay (17 vs 11, p = 0,018), when compared with controls. CONCLUSION: In this study documented tracheobronchial aspiration and fractured ribs were identified as independent risk factors for ERI. Microbiological profile was dominated by sensitive micro-organisms. The choice amoxacilin+clavulanate revealed to be a good option with an effectiveness rate of 77% in the patients in whom it was used.
- Esofagite herpética: um diagnóstico a não esquecerPublication . Pinheiro, M.; Raposo, F.; Carneiro, A.; Veiga, M.; Lopes, L.; Araújo, A.; Martinho, I.Introdução: A esofagite herpética é uma doença frequente em doentes imunodeprimidos, sendo raros os casos descritos em indivíduos imunocompetentes. Caso clínico: Os autores descrevem o caso de uma adolescente, admitida no serviço de urgência com febre, odinofagia, disfagia para líquidos e sólidos e dor retroesternal, com três dias de evolução. Realizou endoscopia digestiva alta, que revelou erosões lineares e redondas no terço inferior do esófago. O estudo anatomo-patológico das biópsias realizadas foi sugestivo de esofagite herpética. Conclusão: A esofagite herpética é uma doença frequentemente subdiagnosticada na criança e adolescente imunocompetentes, pelo que não deve ser esquecida. O diagnóstico definitivo depende da realização de endoscopia digestiva alta com colheita tecidular. Habitualmente é autolimitada e o tratamento é de suporte. A utilização do aciclovir é controversa, mas o seu início precoce parece encurtar a duração da doença.
- Mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute basilar occlusion using stent retrieversPublication . Carneiro, A.; Rodrigues, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, J.; Xavier, J.Early arterial recanalisation with stent retrievers (SR) has been recently demonstrated to improve clinical outcome of patients with large-vessel occlusion of the anterior circulation. However, the benefit of SR thrombectomy in the setting of acute basilar artery occlusion (BAO) has not been proven yet. This study evaluated a series of consecutive patients with BAO treated with SR, focusing on the efficacy, safety and clinical results.
- Reducing mortality in severe sepsis with the implementation of a core 6-hour bundle: results from the Portuguese community-acquired sepsis study (SACiUCI study)Publication . Cardoso, T.; Carneiro, A.; Ribeiro, O.; Teixeira-Pinto, A.; Costa-Pereira, A.Abstract INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the impact of compliance with a core version of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign 6-hour bundle on 28 days mortality. METHODS: Cohort, multi-centre, prospective study on community-acquired sepsis (CAS). RESULTS: Seventeen intensive care units (ICU) entered the study. Over a one year period, 4,142 patients were enrolled in the study. Of the 897 (24%) admitted with CAS, 778 (87%) had severe sepsis or septic shock on ICU admission. In the first six hours of hospital admission: (1) 62% had serum lactate measured; (2) 69% fluids administered; (3) 77% specimens collected for microbiology before antibiotic administration; (4) 48% blood cultures obtained; (5) 52% antibiotics administered within the first hour of the diagnosis; (6) vasopressors were given in 78%; (7) 56% had central venous measurement (CVP) measurement; (8) 17% had a central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) measurement; (9) dobutamine was administered in 52%. Compliance with all actions 1 to 6 (core bundle) was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.44 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.24-0.80] in severe sepsis and 0.49 (95% CI = 0.25-0.95) in septic shock, for 28 days mortality. This corresponded to a number needed to treat of 6 patients to save one life. CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with this core bundle was associated with a significant reduction in the 28 days mortality. Urgent action should be taken in order to ensure that early sepsis diagnosis is followed by full completion of this "core bundle" followed by activation of expertise help in severe sepsis.
- Reliability of CT perfusion in the evaluation of the ischaemic penumbraPublication . Alves, J.; Carneiro, A.; Xavier, J.CT perfusion (CTP) is part of the initial evaluation of stroke patients, allowing differentiation between infarcted tissue and the ischaemic penumbra and helping in the selection of patients for endovascular treatment. This study assessed the reliability of the qualitative evaluation CTP maps in defining the ischemic penumbra and identified potential pitfalls associated with this technique. We reviewed CTP scans of 45 consecutive patients admitted to our institution with anterior circulation acute ischaemic stroke. Two neuroradiologists performed qualitative evaluations of cerebral blood volume (CBV) and mean transit time (MTT) maps, using 24h follow-up non-contrast CT as surrogate marker for the area of definitive infarct. For each slice analyzed, the area of qualitative alteration in the CBV and MTT maps was classified as either being inferior, equal or superior to the area of infarct on the follow-up CT. Three out of 45 (7%) patients had admission CT CBV abnormalities larger than follow-up lesions; 34/45 (76%) patients had infarct areas smaller than initial MTT prolongation. In the group of patients with no recanalization 12/19 (63%) had infarct areas smaller than initial MTT lesion. CBV abnormality is a reliable marker for an irreversible ischaemic lesion, although rarely it may overestimate the ischaemic "core", possibly due to delay in contrast arrival to the brain. In the majority of patients without recanalization, MTT overestimated final infarct areas, probably because it does not differentiate true "at risk" penumbra from benign oligaemia. Qualitative evaluation of CBV and MTT maps may overestimate the real ischaemic penumbra.
- Response to letter to the editor. "CT angiography source-images and CT perfusion: are they complementary tools for ischemic stroke evaluation?"Publication . Alves, J.; Carneiro, A.; Xavier, J.
- A Retrospective Analysis of the Real-Life Utilization of Ranibizumab in Patients with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration from PortugalPublication . Silva, R.; Goncalves, C.; Meireles, A.; Teixeira, C.; Rosa, P.; Monteiro-Grillo, M.; Canelas, J.; Carneiro, A.; Flores, R.INTRODUCTION: Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy has revolutionized the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration; however, it is important to monitor actual use of ranibizumab and related treatment outcomes in routine practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational study to monitor the 2-year outcomes following ranibizumab treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration in Portugal. Patients treated between January 2009 and December 2009 were retrospectively evaluated. All decisions were made by the treating physician in accordance with their usual routine clinical practice. The primary assessment was mean change in visual acuity score using Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study or Snellen equivalent. RESULTS: A total of 128 patients with wet age-related macular degeneration were analyzed (mean age 79.4 years; mean visual acuity score 54.2 letters). Mean change in visual acuity score from baseline was -1.6 letters (n = 82) at year one and -5.1 letters (n = 72) at year two. The mean number of ranibizumab injections was 3.8 (year one) and 1.6 (year two). On average, patients attended 8.6 and 5.0 visits and optical coherence tomography was used in 75.0% of patients in year one and in 56.3% of patients in year two, respectively. DISCUSSION: Despite a relatively high number of visits, including monitoring visits and use of optical coherence tomography - guided therapy, few injections were administered and visual acuity was not improved. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that as-needed treatment resulted in under-dosing in a real-life setting in Portugal. Such limitations may also be related to increasing numbers of patients, resulting in clinic saturation