Browsing by Author "Machado, S."
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- Alterações cutâneas fisiológicas e transitórias do recém-nascidoPublication . Lobo, I.; Machado, S.; Selores, M.A pele desempenha um papel fundamental na protecção do recém-nascido na sua transição da vida intrauterina para a vida pós-natal. A maioria das alterações cutâneas que ocorrem neste período é fisiológica e transitória, não necessitando de procedimentos diagnósticos ou terapêutica. No entanto constituem uma fonte de preocupação dos pais, pelo que é necessário o reconhecimento destas lesões para uma abordagem adequada do recém-nascido e família. Nesta revisão os autores fazem uma discussão breve das alterações cutâneas fisiológicas e transitórias deste grupo etário. ABSTRACT Neonatal skin provides physical protection, playing a vital role in the newborn’s transition from an aqueous to an air-dominant environment. The majority of the newborn cutaneous lesions are usually physiological, transient and self limited and thus require no therapy or diagnostic procedures. As parents often seek medical attention for these problems, clinicians must be aware of both normal and abnormal cutaneous lesions of the neonate to properly address these issues. In this article the authors briefly discuss the transient benign lesions of the newborn.
- BlepharochalasisPublication . Machado, Á.; Machado, S.; Selores, M.
- Calcinosis cutis: A rare feature of adult dermatomyositisPublication . Lobo, I.; Machado, S.; Teixeira, M.; Selores, M.Abstract Dermatomyositis is an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy with characteristic cutaneous manifestations. We describe a case of a 55- year-old woman with dermatomyositis who presented with dystrophic calcinosis resistant to medical treatment.
- Caso dermatológico: desvio congénito ungueal dos háluxesPublication . Fernandes, I.; Machado, S.; Selores, M.ABSTRACT The authors describe a clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with history of thickening and yellow discoloration of the great toenails with lateral deviation, since her first month of life. The patient was diagnosed with congenital malalignment of the great toenails. The congenital malalignment of the great toenails was first described as a nosological entity in 1983, by Baran et al. It is a nail disorder in which the nail plates are laterally deviated with respect to the longitudinal axis of the distal phalanx. Other additional clinical features include yellow-green discoloration, transverse ridging (Beau lines) and thickening with dystrophy.
- Caso dermatológico: EscabiosePublication . Matos, C.; Machado, S.; Carvalho, S.; Dinis, M.J.; Selores, M.The authors describe a clinical case of a 5-months-old boy with widespread rash since the first month of life. Diffuse papular rash with intensive itching. The shaved skin was inconclusive so we performed biopsy to confirm the diagnosis of scabies. It’s a dermatosis very contagious caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. In infants skin eruption may have a polymorphic presentation with characteristic distribution.
- Caso dermatológico: líquen aureus segmentarPublication . Fernandes, I.; Carvalho, S.; Machado, S.; Alves, R.; Selores, M.ABSTRACT The authors describe a clinical case of a six-year-old boy with history of a segmental brownish maculopapular skin eruption on his left thoracic and lumbar wall, since the last four months. Based on clinical and histological findings he was diagnosed with segmental lichen aureus.
- Caso dermatológico: Talon noir de localização atípicaPublication . Carvalho, S.; Machado, S.; Rios, M.; Selores, M.The talon noir is a post-traumatic purpuric dermatosis of acral localization, histologically characterized by the presence of blood within the stratum corneum. It is often observed in young athletes as macules of black-brown coloration on both heels. In cases of diagnostic uncertainty, curettage and dermoscopy are useful tools. No treatment is necessary because the lesions tend to resolve spontaneously. We describe the case of a five-year--old boy with an atypical talon noir
- Caso Dermatológico: Ulerythema ophryogenesPublication . Lobo, I.; Machado, S.; Selores, M.
- Childhood Non-Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis – An Atypical CasePublication . Carvalho, S.; Machado, S.; Alves, R.; Vasconcelos, G.; Selores, M.Introduction: Histiocytoses correspond to a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the proliferation andinfiltration of histiocytes in tissues. For years, many of the histiocytoses where known by numerous names, reflecting the lack of understanding regarding their origin. Case report: A previously healthy, 4-month-old infant presented a cutaneous lesion of progressive growth on his nose since 1 month ago. The mother has a diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome. On examination, there was a firm well-defined erythematous plaque with 30 mm of diameter and raised edges, on the bridge of the nose. At the left cheek, left thoracic region and right arm there were also small erythematous papules with 5 days of evolution. The analytical study showed elevated antinuclear antibodies and anti-SS-A. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of non-Langerhans cells histiocytosis. Progressively, more annular erythematous papules and plaques appeared scattered over the face, trunk and limbs with spontaneous resolution of the first lesion on the nose. About 2 months after the initial evaluation, all lesions had regressed spontaneously, with normalization of analytical study at one year-old. Conclusion: Many authors believe that the different subtypes of histiocytosis represent only different stages of the same disease. Immunophenotyping of histiocytosis does not always identify the subtype involved, making the occurrence of atypical cases frequent.
- Chronic granulomatous disease as a risk factor for cutaneous lupus in childhoodPublication . Carvalho, S.; Machado, S.; Sampaio, R.; Guedes, M.; Vasconcelos, J.; Semedo, D.; Selores, M.Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primaryimmunodeficiency disorder that affects the phagocyticcells of the innate immune system. It is characterizedby recurrent or persistent infections with granulomaformation. Lupus-like lesions have been reported incarriers of CGD and less frequently, in patients withCGD. Immunological study in these patients areusually negative. We describe the case of an 8-yearoldboy with CGD who developed chronic and acutecutaneous lupus erythematous with angular cheilitis,oral ulcers, Raynaud phenomenon, and positiveserologies for antinuclear, anticentromere, and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies.
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