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- Classification of healthcare-associated infection: a systematic review 10 years after the first proposalPublication . Cardoso, T.; Almeida, M.; Friedman, C.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.; Azevedo, L.BACKGROUND: Ten years after the first proposal, a consensus definition of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) has not been reached, preventing the development of specific treatment recommendations. A systematic review of all definitions of HCAI used in clinical studies is made. METHODS: The search strategy focused on an HCAI definition. MEDLINE, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched for articles published from earliest achievable data until November 2012. Abstracts from scientific meetings were searched for relevant abstracts along with a manual search of references from reports, earlier reviews and retrieved studies. RESULTS: The search retrieved 49,405 references: 15,311 were duplicates and 33,828 were excluded based on title and abstract. Of the remaining 266, 43 met the inclusion criteria. The definition more frequently used was the initial proposed in 2002--in infection present at hospital admission or within 48 hours of admission in patients that fulfilled any of the following criteria: received intravenous therapy at home, wound care or specialized nursing care in the previous 30 days; attended a hospital or hemodialysis clinic or received intravenous chemotherapy in the previous 30 days; were hospitalized in an acute care hospital for ≥2 days in the previous 90 days, resided in a nursing home or long-term care facility. Additional criteria founded in other studies were: immunosuppression, active or metastatic cancer, previous radiation therapy, transfer from another care facility, elderly or physically disabled persons who need healthcare, previous submission to invasive procedures, surgery performed in the last 180 days, family member with a multi-drug resistant microorganism and recent treatment with antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence gathered we conclude that the definition initially proposed is widely accepted. In a future revision, recent invasive procedures, hospitalization in the last year or previous antibiotic treatment should be considered for inclusion in the definition. The role of immunosuppression in the definition of HCAI still requires ongoing discussion.
- The impact of healthcare-associated infection on mortality: failure in clinical recognition is related with inadequate antibiotic therapyPublication . Cardoso, T.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.Purpose To understand if clinicians can tell apart patients with healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) from those with community-acquired infections (CAI) and to determine the impact of HCAI in the adequacy of initial antibiotic therapy and hospital mortality. Methods One-year prospective cohort study including all consecutive infected patients admitted to a large university tertiary care hospital. Results A total of 1035 patients were included in this study. There were 718 patients admitted from the community: 225 (31%) with HCAI and 493 (69%) with CAI. Total microbiologic documentation rate of infection was 68% (n = 703): 56% in CAI, 73% in HCAI and 83% in hospital-acquired infections (HAI). Antibiotic therapy was inadequate in 27% of patients with HCAI vs. 14% of patients with CAI (p<0.001). Among patients with HCAI, 47% received antibiotic therapy in accordance with international recommendations for treatment of CAI. Antibiotic therapy was inadequate in 36% of patients with HCAI whose treatment followed international recommendations for CAI vs. 19% in the group of HCAI patients whose treatment did not follow these guidelines (p = 0.014). Variables independently associated with inadequate antibiotic therapy were: decreased functional capacity (adjusted OR = 2.24), HCAI (adjusted OR = 2.09) and HAI (adjusted OR = 2.24). Variables independently associated with higher hospital mortality were: age (adjusted OR = 1.05, per year), severe sepsis (adjusted OR = 1.92), septic shock (adjusted OR = 8.13) and inadequate antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR = 1.99). Conclusions HCAI was associated with an increased rate of inadequate antibiotic therapy but not with a significant increase in hospital mortality. Clinicians need to be aware of healthcare-associated infections among the group of infected patients arriving from the community since the existing guidelines regarding antibiotic therapy do not apply to this group and they will otherwise receive inadequate antibiotic therapy which will have a negative impact on hospital outcome.
- Predisposition, Insult/Infection, Response and Organ Dysfunction (PIRO): A Pilot Clinical Staging System for Hospital Mortality in Patients with InfectionPublication . Cardoso, T.; Teixeira-Pinto, A.; Rodrigues, P.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.Purpose To develop a clinical staging system based on the PIRO concept (Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ dysfunction) for hospitalized patients with infection. Methods One year prospective cohort study of all hospitalized patients with infection (n = 1035), admitted into a large tertiary care, university hospital. Variables associated with hospital mortality were selected using logistic regressions. Based on the regression coefficients, a score for each PIRO component was developed and a classification tree was used to stratify patients into four stages of increased risk of hospital mortality. The final clinical staging system was then validated using an independent cohort (n = 186). Results Factors significantly associated with hospital mortality were • for Predisposition: age, sex, previous antibiotic therapy, chronic hepatic disease, chronic hematologic disease, cancer, atherosclerosis and a Karnofsky index<70; • for Insult/Infection: type of infection • for Response: abnormal temperature, tachypnea, hyperglycemia and severity of infection and • for Organ dysfunction: hypotension and SOFA score≥1. The area under the ROC curve (CI95%) for the combined PIRO model as a predictor for mortality was 0.85 (0.82–0.88). Based on the scores for each of the PIRO components and on the cut-offs estimated from the classification tree, patients were stratified into four stages of increased mortality rates: stage I: ≤5%, stage II: 6–20%, stage III: 21–50% and stage IV: >50%. Finally, this new clinical staging system was studied in a validation cohort, which provided similar results (0%, 9%, 31% and 67%, in each stage, respectively). Conclusions Based on the PIRO concept, a new clinical staging system was developed for hospitalized patients with infection, allowing stratification into four stages of increased mortality, using the different scores obtained in Predisposition, Response, Infection and Organ dysfunction. The proposed system will likely help to define inclusion criteria in clinical trials as well as tailoring individual management plans for patients with infection
- Differences in microbiological profile between community-acquired, healthcare-associated and hospital-acquired infectionsPublication . Cardoso, T.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragâo, I; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.INTRODUCTION: Microbiological profiles were analysed and compared for intra-abdominal, urinary, respiratory and bloodstream infections according to place of acquisition: community-acquired, with a separate analysis of healthcare-associated, and hospital-acquired. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective cohort study performed at a university tertiary care hospital over 1 year. Inclusion criteria were meeting the Centers for Disease Control definition of intra-abdominal, urinary, respiratory and bloodstream infections. RESULTS: A total of 1035 patients were included in the study. More than 25% of intra-abdominal infections were polymicrobial; multi-drug resistant gram-negatives were 38% in community-acquired, 50% in healthcare-associated and 57% in hospital-acquired. E. coli was the most prevalent among urinary infections: 69% in community-acquired, 56% in healthcare-associated and 26% in hospital-acquired; ESBL producers' pathogens were 10% in healthcare-associated and 3% in community-acquired and hospital-acquired. In respiratory infections Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most prevalent in community-acquired (54%) and MRSA in healthcare-associated (24%) and hospital-acquired (24%). A significant association was found between MRSA respiratory infection and hospitalization in the previous year (adjusted OR = 6.3), previous instrumentation (adjusted OR = 4.3) and previous antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR = 5.7); no cases were documented among patients without risk factors. Hospital mortality rate was 10% in community-acquired, 14% in healthcare-associated and 19% in hospital-acquired infection. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study shows that healthcare-associated has a different microbiologic profile than those from community or hospital acquired for the four main focus of infection. Knowledge of this fact is important because the existing guidelines for community-acquired are
- Differences in compliance with Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommendations according to hospital entrance time: day versus nightPublication . Almeida, M.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Cardoso, T.Introduction Higher compliance with Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) recommendations has been associated with lower mortality. The authors evaluate differences in compliance with SSC 6-hour bundle according to hospital entrance time (day versus night) and its impact on hospital mortality. Methods Prospective cohort study of all patients with community-acquired severe sepsis admitted to the intensive care unit of a large university tertiary care hospital, over 3.5 years with a follow-up until hospital discharge. Time to compliance with each recommendation of the SSC 6-hour bundle was calculated according to hospital entrance period: day (08:30 to 20:30) versus night (20:30 to 08:30). For the same periods, clinical staff composition and the number of patients attending the emergency department (ED) was also recorded. Results In this period 300 consecutive patients were included. Compliance rate was (night vs. day): serum lactate measurement 57% vs. 49% (P = 0.171), blood cultures drawn 59% vs. 37% (P < 0.001), antibiotics administration in the first 3 hours 33% vs. 18% (P = 0.003), central venous pressure >8 mmHg 45% vs. 29% (P = 0.021), and central venous oxygen saturation (SvcO2) >70%, 7% vs. 2% (P = 0.082); fluids were administered in all patients with hypotension in both periods and vasopressors were administered in patients with hypotension not responsive to fluids in 100% vs. 99%. Time to get specific actions done was also different (night vs. day): serum lactate measurement (4.5 vs. 7 h, P = 0.018), blood cultures drawn (4 vs. 8 h, P < 0.001), antibiotic administration (5 vs. 8 h, P < 0.001), central venous pressure (8 vs. 11 h, P = 0.01), and SvcO2 monitoring (2.5 vs. 11 h, P = 0.222). The composition of the nursing team was the same around the clock; the medical team was reduced at night with a higher proportion of less differentiated doctors. The number of patients attending the Emergency Department was lower overnight. Hospital mortality rate was 34% in patients entering in the night period vs. 40% in those entering during the day (P = 0.281). Conclusion Compliance with SSC recommendations was higher at night. A possible explanation might be the increased nurse to patient ratio in that period. Adjustment of the clinical team composition to the patients' demand is needed to increase compliance and improve prognosis.
- Additional Risk factors for infection by multidrug-resistant pathogens in healthcare associated infection: a large cohort studyPublication . Cardoso, T.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.BACKGROUND: There is a lack of consensus regarding the definition of risk factors for healthcare-associated infection (HCAI). The purpose of this study was to identify additional risk factors for HCAI, which are not included in the current definition of HCAI, associated with infection by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens, in all hospitalized infected patients from the community. METHODS: This 1-year prospective cohort study included all patients with infection admitted to a large, tertiary care, university hospital. Risk factors not included in the HCAI definition, and independently associated with MDR pathogen infection, namely MDR Gram-negative (MDR-GN) and ESKAPE microorganisms (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species, carbapenem-hydrolyzing Klebsiella pneumonia and MDR Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter species), were identified by logistic regression among patients admitted from the community (either with community-acquired or HCAI). RESULTS: There were 1035 patients with infection, 718 from the community. Of these, 439 (61%) had microbiologic documentation; 123 were MDR (28%). Among MDR: 104 (85%) had MDR-GN and 41 (33%) had an ESKAPE infection. Independent risk factors associated with MDR and MDR-GN infection were: age (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.7 and 1.5, p = 0.001 and p = 0.009, respectively), and hospitalization in the previous year (between 4 and 12 months previously) (adjusted OR = 2.0 and 1,7, p = 0.008 and p = 0.048, respectively). Infection by pathogens from the ESKAPE group was independently associated with previous antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR = 7.2, p < 0.001) and a Karnofsky index <70 (adjusted OR = 3.7, p = 0.003). Patients with infection by MDR, MDR-GN and pathogens from the ESKAPE group had significantly higher rates of inadequate antibiotic therapy than those without (46% vs 7%, 44% vs 10%, 61% vs 15%, respectively, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the inclusion of additional risk factors in the current definition of HCAI for MDR pathogen infection, namely age >60 years, Karnofsky index <70, hospitalization in the previous year, and previous antibiotic therapy, may be clinically beneficial for early diagnosis, which may decrease the rate of inadequate antibiotic therapy among these patients.
- Hepatite C em toxicodependentes: acompanhamento e acesso à terapêuticaPublication . Sarmento-Castro, R.; Valente, C.; Ramos, J.; Almeida, J.; Marinho, R.; Branco, T.; Andrade, S.; Macedo, A.A hepatite C constitui, actualmente, um grave problema de saúde pública. Estima-se que existam, em todo o mundo, 180 milhões de pessoas com infecção crónica por vírus da hepatite C (VHC) e que a sua prevalência na população portuguesa varie entre 1 e 1,5%. Em Portugal, não existem normas de orientação actualizadas de tratamento, nem recomendações para o diagnóstico e acompanhamento dos doentes com VHC e, em particular, para os UDEVs. O presente artigo reúne informação de consenso relativa à de prática clínica e propõe algumas orientações para o acompanhamento e acessibilidade ao tratamento dos doentes toxicodependentes com infecção crónica por VHC, em Portugal.
- Reducing mortality in severe sepsis with the implementation of a core 6-hour bundle: results from the Portuguese community-acquired sepsis study (SACiUCI study)Publication . Cardoso, T.; Carneiro, A.; Ribeiro, O.; Teixeira-Pinto, A.; Costa-Pereira, A.Abstract INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the impact of compliance with a core version of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign 6-hour bundle on 28 days mortality. METHODS: Cohort, multi-centre, prospective study on community-acquired sepsis (CAS). RESULTS: Seventeen intensive care units (ICU) entered the study. Over a one year period, 4,142 patients were enrolled in the study. Of the 897 (24%) admitted with CAS, 778 (87%) had severe sepsis or septic shock on ICU admission. In the first six hours of hospital admission: (1) 62% had serum lactate measured; (2) 69% fluids administered; (3) 77% specimens collected for microbiology before antibiotic administration; (4) 48% blood cultures obtained; (5) 52% antibiotics administered within the first hour of the diagnosis; (6) vasopressors were given in 78%; (7) 56% had central venous measurement (CVP) measurement; (8) 17% had a central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) measurement; (9) dobutamine was administered in 52%. Compliance with all actions 1 to 6 (core bundle) was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.44 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.24-0.80] in severe sepsis and 0.49 (95% CI = 0.25-0.95) in septic shock, for 28 days mortality. This corresponded to a number needed to treat of 6 patients to save one life. CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with this core bundle was associated with a significant reduction in the 28 days mortality. Urgent action should be taken in order to ensure that early sepsis diagnosis is followed by full completion of this "core bundle" followed by activation of expertise help in severe sepsis.
- From Clinical Presentation to the Outcome: the Natural History of PML in a Portuguese Population of HIV Infected PatientsPublication . Nery, F.; França, M.; Almeida, I.; Vasconcelos, c.Background Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, associated with immunosuppression states. As there are only some non-published documents concerning PML in HIV infected patients in Portugal, we pretend to characterize natural history of PML infection in a population of HIV patients. Methods We retrospectively reviewed, from 1992 to 2009, PML cases in a population of 724 HIV infected patients followed in our institution. Clinical, biological, imagery features and outcomes were characterized. Results Twenty-five (3.45%) patients were identified as having PML. The mean time between HIV and PML diagnosis was 20.4 months. PML was the presentation of HIV infection in 40% of the patients, and 92% had CD4 T cell count lower than 200/mm3. Paresis was the most common clinical presentation. No specific characteristics were found in cerebrospinal fluid and JCV DNA was positive in 3 of 7 patients. MRI revealed characteristic findings. Combined antiretroviral therapy was started or changed in 96% of the patients. Neurological condition got worse in 12 patients. From the 14 deaths, 5 were directly attributed to PML progression. Follow-up was lost in 8 patients. Conclusions PML was the presentation of HIV infection in more than 1/3 of patients, frequently associated with advanced immunocompromise. MRI sensitivity to PML is high, and JCV DNA determination in CSF was not revealed to be sensible. PML diagnosis should be taken into account in HIV patients presenting any neurological symptoms, and HIV infection should be suspected when radiological findings suggest PML lesions even in previously healthy individuals.
- Estudo Viriato: Actualização de dados de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos de bactérias responsáveis por infecções respiratórias adquiridas na comunidade em Portugal em 2003 e 2004Publication . Melo-Cristino, J.; Santos, L.; Ramirez, M.; Grupo de Estudo Português de Bactérias Patogénicas RespiratóriasO Estudo Viriato é um estudo nacional, prospectivo e multicêntrico, de vigilância da susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos de bactérias frequentemente responsáveis por infecções do aparelho respiratório adquiridas na comunidade.Nos anos de 2003 e 2004 participaram 29 laboratórios de todo o país. Isolaram-se 2945 microrganismos que foram estudados num laboratório coordenador. Das 513 estirpes de Streptococcus pyogenes de doentes com amigdalo-faringite aguda, todas eram susceptíveis à penicilina e outros antibióticos beta-lactâmicos, mas 18,9% eram resistentes à eritromicina, claritromicina e azitromicina. Nas estirpes resistentes foi mais frequente o fenótipo M (67,0%) que confere resistência à eritromicina (CIM90=16 mg/L), claritromicina e azitromicina, mas susceptibilidade à clindamicina (CIM90=0,094 mg/L). De doentes com infecção do aparelho respiratório inferior estudaram-se 1300 estirpes de Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococos), 829 de Haemophilus influenzae e 303 de Moraxella catarrhalis. Em S. pneumoniae, 18,4% das estirpes eram resistentes à penicilina (3,5% com resistência elevada), 7,1% à cefuroxima, 0,5% à amoxicilina, 0,5% à amoxicilina/clavulanato, 18,8% à eritromicina, claritromicina e azitromicina, 14,5 % à tetraciclina, 16,5% ao cotrimoxazol e 0,4% à levofloxacina. Nas estirpes resistentes aos macrólidos, dominou o fenótipo MLSB (83,7%), caracterizado por resistência elevada (CIM90>256 mg/L) à eritromicina, claritromicina, azitromicina e clindamicina. Produziam beta- -lactamase 10,0% de H. influenzae e 96,4% de M. catarrhalis. Em H. influenzae demonstrou-se 5,5% de resistência à claritromicina e 13,4% ao cotrimoxazol. A quase totalidade das estirpes era susceptível à amoxicilina / clavulanato, cefuroxima, azitromicina, tetraciclina e ciprofloxacina. Em M. catarrhalis a resistência ao co-trimoxazol foi de 27,1% e à tetraciclina de 1,0%. Todas as estirpes eram susceptíveis à amoxicilina / clavulanato, cefuroxima, claritromicina, azitromicina e ciprofloxacina. De entre o conjunto de antibióticos ensaiado, a penicilina continua a ser o mais activocontra S. pyogenes e a amoxicilina / clavulanato e as quinolonas os mais activos simultaneamente contra S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae e M. catarrhalis.