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  • Increased lung inflammation with oxygen supplementation in tracheotomized spontaneously breathing rabbits: an experimental prospective randomized study
    Publication . Machado, H.; Nunes, C.; Sá, P.; Couceiro, A.; Moreira-Silva, A.; Águas, A.
    BACKGROUND: Mechanical ventilation is a well-known trigger for lung inflammation. Research focuses on tidal volume reduction to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury. Mechanical ventilation is usually applied with higher than physiological oxygen fractions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the after effect of oxygen supplementation during a spontaneous ventilation set up, in order to avoid the inflammatory response linked to mechanical ventilation. METHODS: A prospective randomised study using New Zealand rabbits in a university research laboratory was carried out. Rabbits (n = 20) were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 5 each group). Groups 1 and 2 were submitted to 0.5 L/min oxygen supplementation, for 20 or 75 minutes, respectively; groups 3 and 4 were left at room air for 20 or 75 minutes. Ketamine/xylazine was administered for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Lungs were obtained for histological examination in light microscopy. RESULTS: All animals survived the complete experiment. Procedure duration did not influence the degree of inflammatory response. The hyperoxic environment was confirmed by blood gas analyses in animals that were subjected to oxygen supplementation, and was accompanied with lower mean respiratory rates. The non-oxygen supplemented group had lower mean oxygen arterial partial pressures and higher mean respiratory rates during the procedure. All animals showed some inflammatory lung response. However, rabbits submitted to oxygen supplementation showed significant more lung inflammation (Odds ratio = 16), characterized by more infiltrates and with higher cell counts; the acute inflammatory response cells was mainly constituted by eosinophils and neutrophils, with a relative proportion of 80 to 20% respectively. This cellular observation in lung tissue did not correlate with a similar increase in peripheral blood analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen supplementation in spontaneous breathing is associated with an increased inflammatory response when compared to breathing normal room air. This inflammatory response was mainly constituted with polymorphonuclear cells (eosinophils and neutrophils). As confirmed in all animals by peripheral blood analyses, the eosinophilic inflammatory response was a local organ event.
  • Pulmonary Hypertension in Portugal: First Data from a Nationwide Registry
    Publication . Baptista, R.; Meireles, J.; Agapito, A.; Castro, G.; Marinho-Silva, A:; Shiang, T.; Gonçalves, F.; Rubalo-Martins, S.; Nunes-Diogo, A.; Reis, A.
    Introduction. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease that must be managed in specialized centers; therefore, the availability of epidemiological national data is critical. Methods. We conducted a prospective, observational, and multicenter registry with a joint collaboration from five centers from Portugal and included adult incident patients with PAH or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Results. Of the 79 patients enrolled in this study, 46 (58.2%) were classified as PAH and 33 patients (41.8%) as CTEPH. PAH patients had a mean age of 43.4 ± 16.4 years. Idiopathic PAH was the most common etiology (37%). At presentation, PAH patients had elevated right atrial pressure (RAP) (7.7 ± 5.9 mmHg) and mean pulmonary vascular resistance (11.4 ± 6.5 Wood units), with a low cardiac index (2.7 ± 1.1 L·min−1·m−2); no patient was under selective pulmonary vasodilators; however, at follow-up, most patients were on single (50%), double (28%), or triple (9%) combination vasodilator therapy. One-year survival was 93.5%, similar to CTEPH patients (93.9%), that were older (60.0 ± 12.5 years) and had higher RAP (11.0 ± 5.2 mmHg, ). Conclusions. We describe for the first time nationwide data on the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of PAH and CTEPH patients in Portugal. Clinical presentation and outcomes are comparable with those reported on other national registries.
  • Spontaneous Pneumothorax: A 5-Year Experience
    Publication . Sousa, C.; Neves, J.; Sa, N.; Gonçalves, F.; Oliveira, J.; Reis, E.
    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) is defined by the presence of air in the pleural space without history of trauma. It is classified as secondary if coexisting with underlying pulmonary disease. Its an entity with considerable incidence and treatment particularities which give reason for a reflection on the subject. We present a 5-year casuistry, characterizing the SP epidemiology, clinical presentation, investigation and therapeutic choices. METHODS: Sixty-six patients were included in the study, corresponding to 93 episodes of SP. RESULTS: We have found male predominance and the mean age was 34.5 years old. In 60.6% of cases there was history of tobacco use; 36.4% of cases were classified as secondary; 30.1% of patients with secondary SP and 21.7% with primary SP recurred; 89.2% had an acute presentation. The most frequent initial symptom was chest pain (90.3%) and 81.7% had diminished breath sounds. In 17.3% it was documented a physical strain associated. We did not identify statistically significant association between the SP occurrence and the variation of the atmospheric pressure, on the first day of symptoms. In 12.9% of episodes the initial treatment option was observation. In most of the episodes the lung totally expanded. However, in 29.1% of the episodes surgical treatment was needed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are similar to the literature. Some clinical records are incomplete, demanding the implementation of rules to improve knowledge about this matter.
  • Non-invasive ventilation in cardiogenic pulmonary edema in the emergency department.
    Publication . Carvalho, L.; Carneiro, R.; Freire, E.; Pinheiro, P.; Aragão, I.; Martins, A.
    Abstract Bilevel positive pressure (BiPAP) non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is frequently used in our emergency department (ED), as an adjuvant in the treatment of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema (ACPE) to reduce the need for tracheal intubation (TI) in these patients. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the safety of NIV in patients with ACPE in our ED, used by a group of physicians outside the intensive care unit (ICU), by comparing our results with previously published results. We also wanted to identify possible additional advantages of NIV in the treatment of acpe. We recorded clinical and physiological data before and after NIV of all patients with diagnosis and treatment of ACPE in our ED and for whom NIV was ordered as adjuvant treatment, between July 2004 and February 28 2005. During this period, NIV was ordered in 17 patients with ACPE. The mean ventilation pressures used were p(INSP) 16.5 +/- 5 cm H2O and p(exp) 8.8 +/- 4 cm H2O. none of the patients refused NIV. In six patients NIV was not initiated immediately together with medical therapeutics. one patient required Ti and the other 16 (94%) improved after NIV. After the acpe episode had resolved, fourteen patients (82%) were eventually discharged from hospital whereas 3 (18%) died during hospitalization. We observed a statistically significant improvement after one hour of NIV in respiratory and pulse rate, arterial pH, PaCO2 and peripheral blood O2 saturation. Despite the small sample size, these results suggest that it is possible to use NIV in the treatment of ACPE outside the ICU, without increasing the risks of TI or decreasing efficacy. In these cases NIV probably accelerates clinical resolution and relieves symptoms.
  • Successful pregnancy in a severely hypoxemic patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
    Publication . Belchior, I.; Cerdeira, A.; Santos, M.; Braga, J.; Aragâo, I.; Martins, A.
    Abstract Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal accumulation of a lipoproteinaceous material in the alveoli, which may lead to respiratory failure and has an associated high risk for infections. The mainstay treatment for PAP is whole lung lavage. A pregnant woman, previously diagnosed with primary PAP, the most common form of PAP, was admitted with dyspnea and worsening respiratory function. In one month period, a wholelung bronchopulmonary lavage was performed twice, with clinical and functional improvement. Pregnancy was carried to term and a healthy baby was delivered. The mechanisms of respiratory impairment are discussed as well as treatment options and response. Resumo A proteinose alveolar pulmonar (PAP) é uma doença rara caracterizada pela acumulação anormal de material lipoproteináceo nos alvéolos, que pode levar a insufi ciência respiratória, estando associada a um risco elevado de infecções. O tratamento gold-standard da PAP é a lavagem pulmonar total.
  • Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade numa crianc¸a saudável por Acinetobacter
    Publication . Moreira-Silva, G.; Morais, L.; Marques, L.; Senra, V.
    Resumo O género Acinetobacter tem sido implicado numa grande variedade de doenc¸as infecciosas, em particular, nas infecc¸ões associadas aos cuidados de saúde. Actualmente há evidência a enfatizar o papel deste microrganismo nas infecc¸ões adquiridas na comunidade. É relatado o caso de uma crianc¸a previamente saudável, de 28 meses de idade, internada por febre associada a tosse e dor localizada no hemitórax esquerdo e cuja radiografia torácica revelou pneumonia necrotisante do lobo inferior. A investigac¸ão diagnóstica efectuada permitiu o diagnóstico de Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a Acinetobacter lwoffii. A crianc¸a partilhava frequentemente o seu equipamento respiratório com familiares idosos com doenc¸a pulmonar crónica obstrutiva. Dado não terem sido apurados outros factores de risco, considera-se que a partilha do equipamento poderá ter sido o foco infeccioso. Os autores pretendem alertar para a possibilidade de Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade por Acinetobacter lwoffii, numa crianc¸a previamente saudável, relacionada com o mau uso e limpeza dos nebulizadores. Este caso realc¸a o papel emergente desta bactéria, mesmo no contexto comunitário.Abstract Acinetobacter is involved in a variety of infectious diseases primarily associated with healthcare. Recently there has been increasing evidence of the important role these pathogens play in community acquired infections. We report on the case of a previously healthy child, aged 28 months, admitted for fever, cough and pain on the left side of the chest, which on radiographic examination corresponded to a lower lobe necrotizing pneumonia. After detailed diagnostic work---up, community acquired Acinetobacter lwoffii pneumonia was diagnosed. The child had frequently shared respiratory equipment with elderly relatives with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As there were no other apparent risk factors, it could be assumed that the sharing of the equipment was the source of infection
  • A importância do estudo da difusão alvéolo-capilar,
    Rev Port Pneumol. 2007 Nov-Dec;13(6):763-74. [The importance of diffusing capacity as a complementary study to plethysmography in smokers] [Article in Portuguese] Paes Cardoso A, Reis Ferreira JM, Moreira da Silva A. Human Physiology, Porto University, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar, Santo António Hospital. Abstract This study comprised 194 male and female heavy smokers or ex-smokers (>or= 1 pack-year) aged between 20 and 82, whose symptoms varied. Cases were only selected from patients with normal whole-body plethysmography. Subjects with any significant pathology and occupational risk factors were excluded from the study. Varying degrees of symptoms were found and a range of results from normal plethysmography examination, with abnormal levels of alveolar-capillary transfer, determined by the single-breath method to analyse CO (TLCO and TLCO-VA) coefficients. Using the chi-square test for statistical analysis of the sample revealed a significant variation in sensitivity between both parameters (p=0.0001). Possible limitations of using the single-breath method, of were reduced in this study (ventilatory restriction with Vital Capacity <1.5 litres) by the routine plethysmography results seen. Likewise, the presence of alterations in ventilatory distribution was, in principle, minimised by the absence of TLCsb/TLCplet values below 0.85% CONCLUSIONS: Normal plethysmography results in heavy or ex-smokers are not enough to confirm normal respiratory function, as a large percentage of cases present abnormalities in the alveolar-capillary transfer factor for CO. Alveolar limitation was considered not only anatomically, but also from a functional perspective. PMID: 18183328 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • A case-control study on risk factors for early-onset respiratory tract infection in patients admitted in ICU
    Publication . Cardoso, T.; Lopes, M.; Carneiro, A.
    BACKGROUND: Respiratory tract infections are common in intensive care units (ICU), with incidences reported from 10 to 65%, and case fatality rates over 20% in pneumonia. This study was designed to identify risk factors for the development of an early onset respiratory tract infection (ERI) and to review the microbiological profile and the effectiveness of first intention antibiotic therapy. METHODS: Case-control, retrospective clinical study of the patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of our hospital, a teaching and tertiary care facility, from January to September 2000 who had a respiratory tract infection diagnosed in the first 5 days of hospital stay. RESULTS: Of the 385 patients admitted to our unit: 129 (33,5%) had a diagnosis of ERI and 86 patients were admitted to the control group. Documented aspiration (adjusted OR = 5,265; 95% CI = 1,155 - 24,007) and fractured ribs (adjusted OR = 12,150; 95% CI = 1,571 - 93,941) were found to be independent risk factors for the development of ERI (multiple logistic regression model performed with the diagnostic group as dependent variable and adjusted for age, sex, SAPS II, documented aspiration, non-elective oro-tracheal intubation (OTI), fractured ribs, pneumothorax and pleural effusion).A total of 78 organisms were isolated in 61 patients (47%). The normal flora of the upper airway (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza and Moraxella catharralis) accounted for 72% of all isolations achieved, polimicrobian infections were responsible for 25% of all microbiological documented infections. First intention treatment was, in 62% of the patients, the association amoxacillin+clavulanate, being effective in 75% of the patients to whom it was administered. The patients with ERI needed more days of OTI (6 vs 2, p < 0,001) and mechanical ventilation (6 vs 2, p < 0,001) and had a longer ICU (7 vs 2, p < 0,001) and hospital length of stay (17 vs 11, p = 0,018), when compared with controls. CONCLUSION: In this study documented tracheobronchial aspiration and fractured ribs were identified as independent risk factors for ERI. Microbiological profile was dominated by sensitive micro-organisms. The choice amoxacilin+clavulanate revealed to be a good option with an effectiveness rate of 77% in the patients in whom it was used.
  • Pneumonite intersticial crónica
    Publication . Almeida, R.; Reis, G.; Ferreira, C.; Oliveira, M.; Oliveira, D.; Fernandes, P.; Ferreira, P.; Frutuoso, S.; Carreira, L.; Alves, V.; Paiva, A.; Guedes, M.
    A patologia pulmonar intersticial compreende um grupo de doenças crónicas caracterizadas por alterações das paredes alveolares e perda das unidades funcionais alveolocapilares. São doenças raras nas crianças, na sua maioria de causa desconhecida e revestindo-se habitualmente de uma elevada morbimortalidade, dada a pouca eficácia da terapêutica actualmente disponível. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma criança de 3 anos, previamente saudável, que no contexto de uma infecção respiratória desenvolve um quadro de sibilância e insuficiência respiratória grave, na investigação do qual é diagnosticada uma pneumonite intersticial crónica. Foram tentadas diversas terapêuticas (corticoterapia sistémica, hidroxicloroquina, N-acetilcisteína) sem melhoria evidente.Interstitial lung disease includes a group of chronic diseases characterized by alterations in alveolar walls and loss of functional alveolar-capillary units. These are rare diseases in children, mostly with an unknown cause and associated with a high morbidity and mortality due to insufficient therapeutic effectiveness. The authors report a case of a previously healthy 3 years old child who presented with wheezing and severe respiratory insufficiency following a respiratory infection. The investigation performed led to the diagnosis of chronic interstitial pneumonitis. Several treatments have been tried (corticosteroids,hydroxychloroquine, N-acetylcysteine) without any obvious improvement.
  • Hidroxicloroquina na hemossiderose pulmonar idiopática - Caso clínico
    Publication . Almeida, M.; Reis, G.; Guedes, M.
    Os autores apresentam o caso de uma criança com hemossiderose pulmonar idiopática grave, que, após ter iniciado tratamento com hidroxicloroquina, apresentou alteração do seu curso clínico, com melhoria significativa e duradoura. A eficácia desta terapêutica é salientada. Reportam ainda a ocorrência de exacerbação clínica, com hemoptise, após administração de vacina antigripal. The authors present the case of a child with severe idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis who after having begun treatment with hydroxychloroquine had a significant and lasting improvement. The efficacy of this therapeutic is pointed out. They also report the occurrence of clinical exacerbation, with hemoptysis, after receiving an influenza vaccine.