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- Additional Risk factors for infection by multidrug-resistant pathogens in healthcare associated infection: a large cohort studyPublication . Cardoso, T.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.BACKGROUND: There is a lack of consensus regarding the definition of risk factors for healthcare-associated infection (HCAI). The purpose of this study was to identify additional risk factors for HCAI, which are not included in the current definition of HCAI, associated with infection by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens, in all hospitalized infected patients from the community. METHODS: This 1-year prospective cohort study included all patients with infection admitted to a large, tertiary care, university hospital. Risk factors not included in the HCAI definition, and independently associated with MDR pathogen infection, namely MDR Gram-negative (MDR-GN) and ESKAPE microorganisms (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species, carbapenem-hydrolyzing Klebsiella pneumonia and MDR Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter species), were identified by logistic regression among patients admitted from the community (either with community-acquired or HCAI). RESULTS: There were 1035 patients with infection, 718 from the community. Of these, 439 (61%) had microbiologic documentation; 123 were MDR (28%). Among MDR: 104 (85%) had MDR-GN and 41 (33%) had an ESKAPE infection. Independent risk factors associated with MDR and MDR-GN infection were: age (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.7 and 1.5, p = 0.001 and p = 0.009, respectively), and hospitalization in the previous year (between 4 and 12 months previously) (adjusted OR = 2.0 and 1,7, p = 0.008 and p = 0.048, respectively). Infection by pathogens from the ESKAPE group was independently associated with previous antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR = 7.2, p < 0.001) and a Karnofsky index <70 (adjusted OR = 3.7, p = 0.003). Patients with infection by MDR, MDR-GN and pathogens from the ESKAPE group had significantly higher rates of inadequate antibiotic therapy than those without (46% vs 7%, 44% vs 10%, 61% vs 15%, respectively, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the inclusion of additional risk factors in the current definition of HCAI for MDR pathogen infection, namely age >60 years, Karnofsky index <70, hospitalization in the previous year, and previous antibiotic therapy, may be clinically beneficial for early diagnosis, which may decrease the rate of inadequate antibiotic therapy among these patients.
- Classification of healthcare-associated infection: a systematic review 10 years after the first proposalPublication . Cardoso, T.; Almeida, M.; Friedman, C.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.; Azevedo, L.BACKGROUND: Ten years after the first proposal, a consensus definition of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) has not been reached, preventing the development of specific treatment recommendations. A systematic review of all definitions of HCAI used in clinical studies is made. METHODS: The search strategy focused on an HCAI definition. MEDLINE, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched for articles published from earliest achievable data until November 2012. Abstracts from scientific meetings were searched for relevant abstracts along with a manual search of references from reports, earlier reviews and retrieved studies. RESULTS: The search retrieved 49,405 references: 15,311 were duplicates and 33,828 were excluded based on title and abstract. Of the remaining 266, 43 met the inclusion criteria. The definition more frequently used was the initial proposed in 2002--in infection present at hospital admission or within 48 hours of admission in patients that fulfilled any of the following criteria: received intravenous therapy at home, wound care or specialized nursing care in the previous 30 days; attended a hospital or hemodialysis clinic or received intravenous chemotherapy in the previous 30 days; were hospitalized in an acute care hospital for ≥2 days in the previous 90 days, resided in a nursing home or long-term care facility. Additional criteria founded in other studies were: immunosuppression, active or metastatic cancer, previous radiation therapy, transfer from another care facility, elderly or physically disabled persons who need healthcare, previous submission to invasive procedures, surgery performed in the last 180 days, family member with a multi-drug resistant microorganism and recent treatment with antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence gathered we conclude that the definition initially proposed is widely accepted. In a future revision, recent invasive procedures, hospitalization in the last year or previous antibiotic treatment should be considered for inclusion in the definition. The role of immunosuppression in the definition of HCAI still requires ongoing discussion.
- Combined Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation: A New Program in Portugal, Results From the First 12 CasesPublication . Martins, L.; Henriques, A.; Dias, L.; Ventura, A.; Seca, R.; Almeida, R.; Dores, J.; Bacelar, C.; Oliveira, F.; Lhamas, A.; Amil, M.; Rua, F.; Coelho, T.; Esteves, S.; Ribeiro, A.; Pereira, R.; Sarmento, A.; Teixeira, M.; Pereira, M.Transplant Proc. 2003 May;35(3):1107-8. Combined pancreas-kidney transplantation: a new program in Portugal, results from the first 12 cases. Martins L, Henriques A, Dias L, Ventura A, Seca R, Almeida R, Dores J, Bacelar C, Oliveira F, Lhamas A, Amil M, Rua F, Coelho T, Esteves S, Ribeiro A, Pereira R, Sarmento A, Teixeira M, Pereira M. Transplantation Department, Hospital Santo António, 4050, Porto, Portugal. PMID: 12947877 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- Convulsões Neonatais - Qual a etiologia?Publication . Sarmento, A.; Soares, P.Introdução: as convulsões representam uma disfunção do SNC e caracterizam- se por uma alteração súbita das funções neurológicas. Nos recém nascidos (RNs) a sua incidência estima-se entre 0,15 a 3,5%. Neste grupo etário, a maioria das convulsões não correspondem a verdadeiros quadros epilépticos, mas a crises ocasionais resultantes de distúrbios funcionais, metabólicos ou orgânicos. Objectivos: rever os casos de convulsões internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN) da Maternidade Júlio Dinis (MJD) e determinar as respectivas etiologias. Material e Métodos: procedeu-se à análise retrospectiva dos processos clínicos dos RNs internados com convulsões, durante os anos de 2000 e 2001. Em cada caso foram colhidos dados referentes à anamnese, exame objectivo ao nascimento, semiologia das convulsões, exames auxiliares de diagnóstico, tipo de tratamento e evolução clínica. Resultados: analisaram-se 25 casos, o que correspondeu a uma incidência de 3,3 casos por 1000 nados vivos na MJD e a 3 % dos internamentos no período referido. As etiologias encontradas incluíram: encefalopatia hipoxico-isquémica (EHI) (52 %), hipocalcemia (12 %), hemorragia intracraniana (4%), meningite (4%), enfarte cerebral (4%) e malformação cerebral (4%). O início das convulsões teve relação com as causas subjacentes: nas 1as horas os casos de EHI e no fim da 1ª semana o caso de infecção do SNC. O tratamento baseado na correcção de alterações metabólicas transitórias permitiu o controle em dois casos de hipocalcemia. O anticonvulsivante de primeira linha foi o fenobarbital. A mortalidade foi de 28 % e a morbilidade, entre os 12 e os 24 meses, de 24 %. Conclusões: salientamos a importância de esclarecer a etiologia das convulsões neste grupo etário. Na maioria das vezes é encontrada uma causa específica que permite um tratamento dirigido, com vista ao controlo dos episódios convulsivos e à interrupção do mecanismo de lesão cerebral subjacente. NEONATAL SEIZURES - WHICH ETIOLOGY? ABSTRACT Introduction: seizures represent a dysfunction of the nervous system and are characterized for a sudden alteration of the neurological functions. Neonatal seizures occur in 0,15 to 3,5% of all newborns. In this age group, the majority of the seizures result of functional, metabolic or organic disturbance. Objectives: to review the cases of seizures admitted in neonatal intensive care unit of the Júlio Dinis‘ Maternity and to determine the respective etiologies. Population and methods: we made a retrospective analysis of admitted newborns with the diagnosis of seizures in the Júlio Dinis‘ Maternity, between 2000 and 2001. Some of variables collected were: dates relative to gestation and delivery, physical examination, types of seizures, diagnostic testing, treatment and clinical evolution. Results: we analyzed 25 cases, that correspond to an incidence of 3,3 cases for 1000 live births in the Júlio Dinis‘ Maternity and 3 % of the internments in the cited period. The following etiologies were identified: hipoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (52%), hypocalcaemia (12%), intracranial hemorrhage (4%), meningitis (4%), cerebral infarct (4%) and cerebral malformation (4%). The beginning of the convulsions was related to the underlying causes: in the first 48 hours of life the HIE cases and in the end of the first week of life, the case of infection of the nervous system. The treatment based on the corrections of transitory metabolic alterations allowed the control in two cases of hypocalcaemia. The anticonvulsant agent of first line was phenobarbital. Mortality was 28% and morbidity 24% (between 12 and 24 months). Conclusions: we emphasize the need to clarify the etiology of the seizures in the neonatal period. In the majority of cases it is possible to identify a specific cause. This allows an adquate tratment in order to control convulsive episodes and to avoid further cerebral damage.
- Defeitos da β-Oxidação Mitocondrial dos Ácidos Gordos - Artigo de RevisãoPublication . Sarmento, A.; Cardoso, M.; Barbo, C.; Martins, E.RESUMO Os defeitos da β-oxidação dos ácidos gordos constituem um grupo de doenças hereditárias do metabolismo que inclui 16 patologias distintas. O seu diagnóstico é por vezes difícil, visto que a maioria dos doentes está assintomática fora dos períodos de descompensação metabólica. O objectivo deste artigo é efectuar uma revisão do estado actual do conhecimento e apresentar de forma simplificada uma abordagem diagnóstica deste grupo de doenças. Clinicamente os defeitos da β-oxidação caracterizam-se pelo envolvimento de órgãos dependentes do metabolismo dos ácidos gordos para obtenção de energia, nomeadamente: coração, músculo esquelético e fígado. Há que exclui-las no contexto de síndrome de morte súbita do lactente e síndrome Reye like. As manifestações podem ser agudas e episódicas ou evoluir para formas crónicas (com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e fraqueza muscular). A maioria manifesta- se durante o 1º ano de vida. Em termos laboratoriais é comum uma hipoglicemia hipocetótica e acidose metabólica. O diagnóstico é feito a partir do doseamento da carnitina, estudo do perfil das acilcarnitinas no plasma e estudo dos ácidos orgânicos e acilglicinas na urina. Os estudos genéticos e enzimáticos permitem confirmar o diagnóstico e são indispensáveis para a realização de um posterior diagnóstico pré-natal. O tratamento consiste em prevenir um jejum prolongado, favorecer o aporte de hidratos de carbono como fonte de energia e, dependendo do défice específicos, recorrer ao tratamento com carnitina, MCT e riboflavina. ABSTRACT Inborn defects in fatty acid β-oxidation are a complex group of diseases in which 16 different entities are recognized. These are genetic disorders, in which affected patients are often free of symptoms between episodes of acute decompensation, so clinical recognition may be difficult. The purpose of this article is to review this group of defects and, to present an approach to the appropriate evaluation. Clinically these diseases involve fatty acid β-oxidation energy dependent tissues like skeletal and cardiac muscle and liver. They must be considered in cases of sudden infant death syndrome and Reye like syndrome. Symptoms may be either acute and episodic or have a more chronic evolution (with hypertrophic cardiomiopaty and muscle weakness). Most of the times, they present in the first year of life. Laboratory features commonly present hipoketotic hypoglycemia and a metabolic acidosis. Carnitine measurement, study of acylcarnitines in blood, organic acids and acylglycines in urine are important to diagnosis. Currently genetic studies and enzyme activity measurement allow a precise diagnosis and better understanding of theses entities. The primary treatment is avoidance of prolonged fasting, restricting fatty acid uptake and increasing carbohydrate uptake. Depending on the type of the underlying metabolic disorder, treatment with carnitine, MCT or riboflavine may be indicated.
- Differences in microbiological profile between community-acquired, healthcare-associated and hospital-acquired infectionsPublication . Cardoso, T.; Ribeiro, O.; Aragâo, I; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.INTRODUCTION: Microbiological profiles were analysed and compared for intra-abdominal, urinary, respiratory and bloodstream infections according to place of acquisition: community-acquired, with a separate analysis of healthcare-associated, and hospital-acquired. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective cohort study performed at a university tertiary care hospital over 1 year. Inclusion criteria were meeting the Centers for Disease Control definition of intra-abdominal, urinary, respiratory and bloodstream infections. RESULTS: A total of 1035 patients were included in the study. More than 25% of intra-abdominal infections were polymicrobial; multi-drug resistant gram-negatives were 38% in community-acquired, 50% in healthcare-associated and 57% in hospital-acquired. E. coli was the most prevalent among urinary infections: 69% in community-acquired, 56% in healthcare-associated and 26% in hospital-acquired; ESBL producers' pathogens were 10% in healthcare-associated and 3% in community-acquired and hospital-acquired. In respiratory infections Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most prevalent in community-acquired (54%) and MRSA in healthcare-associated (24%) and hospital-acquired (24%). A significant association was found between MRSA respiratory infection and hospitalization in the previous year (adjusted OR = 6.3), previous instrumentation (adjusted OR = 4.3) and previous antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR = 5.7); no cases were documented among patients without risk factors. Hospital mortality rate was 10% in community-acquired, 14% in healthcare-associated and 19% in hospital-acquired infection. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study shows that healthcare-associated has a different microbiologic profile than those from community or hospital acquired for the four main focus of infection. Knowledge of this fact is important because the existing guidelines for community-acquired are
- Golpe de Calor - dois casos clínicosPublication . Nascimento, J.; Sarmento, A.; Rocha, S.; Gonçalves, S.; Marcelino, F.; Ferreira, P.O golpe de calor é uma emergência médica caracterizada por uma temperatura central ≥ 40ºC, associada a resposta inflamatória sistémica que conduz a disfunção multiorgânica onde predomina a encefalopatia. A incidência é desconhecida, uma vez que é sub-diagnosticada. Os autores apresentam dois casos internados no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos no período de um ano.
- Long-Term Complications After Renal TransplantationPublication . Martins, L.; Ventura, A.; Costa, S.; Henriques, A.; Dias, L.; Sarmento, A.IN the past, every effort was directed at the prevention of acute rejection in renal transplant (RT) patients (pts). Ever since the introduction of the new immunosuppressive agents in the late 1990s, the short-term results of renal graft survival are considered satisfactory. In recent years, the prevention of long-term graft loss and the extension of life expectancy have gained new emphasis. The immunosuppressive agents though, namely calcineurin-inhibitors and steroids, may potentiate the development of several problems in RT pts: obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension,1 which are not only risk factors for cardiovascular disease but also for graft loss.2,3 We performed a retrospective analysis of all RTs performed at our unit that reached 10 years (y) with a functioning graft. The aim of the study was to evaluate long-term complications and, in view of the results, to seek a possible strategy that minimizes these problems.
- Meningite Bacteriana - revisão de dois anosPublication . Sarmento, A.; Guardiano, M.; Silva, C.; Teixeira, M.; Valente, C.RESUMO A meningite bacteriana é uma importante causa de mortalidade em idade pediátrica. As novas vacinas conjugadas anti-pneumocócica e anti-meningocócica representam uma nova esperança no controlo desta infecção. Objectivo: Avaliar a frequência de casos de meningite bacteriana numa população de crianças do Norte do País e identificar aspectos relacionados com a semiologia, agentes etiológicos, terapêutica instituída e evolução clínica. População e Métodos: Procedeu- -se a um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo de um grupo de crianças internadas com diagnóstico de Meningite Bacteriana, em três hospitais do Norte: Hospital Maria Pia no Porto, Senhora de Oliveira em Guimarães e Santa Luzia em Viana do Castelo. O período de estudo decorreu entre Janeiro de 2000 e Março de 2002. Resultados: Foram estudados 46 casos de Meningite Bacteriana, 42% pertencentes ao sexo masculino e 58% ao sexo feminino. As suas idades oscilaram entre 1,5 e 144 meses, com uma média de 36,6 meses. A clínica de apresentação foi variada: a febre foi a manifestação mais prevalente (100%), seguida de vómitos, sinais meníngeos e exantema petequial. A terapêutica empírica mais utilizado foram as cefalosporinas de 3ª geração.Em 73,9% dos casos isolou-se um agente bacteriano. Dos agentes isolados os mais frequentes foram a N. meningitidis (73,5%) e o S. Pneumoniae (20,6%). Nos casos de meningite meningocócica com determinação do serogrupo: onze pertenciam ao serogrupo B (52,4%), oito ao C (38%), um caso ao serogrupo A e outro ao W135. Sépsis grave foi a complicação sistémica mais frequente e a N. meningitidis foi isolada em 90 % desses casos. As convulsões representaram a principal complicação neurológica, sendo na maioria provocadas por S. pneumoniae (71,4%). Este foi também o agente mais isolado nos casos que necessitaram de internamento em UCIP e que apresentaram alterações ao nível da TAC Cerebral. Sete crianças evoluíram com sequelas (15,2%), entre as quais surdez neurossensorial, atraso de desenvolvimento psicomotor e epilepsia. Conclusões: Como se tem verificado noutros estudos, a meningite meningocócica representa a causa mais frequente de meningite bacteriana com agente conhecido. Obtivemos uma predominância do serogrupo B, identificado em 52,4 % dos casos em que se determinou o serogrupo. O Pneumococo representou a segunda causa de meningite bacteriana e com ele se relacionaram a maioria das complicações do foro neurológico e das sequelas. Discute-se a importância das novas vacinas na prevenção desta doença e sua utilização no nosso país.ABSTRACT Bacterial meningitis is an important cause of mortality in pediatric population. The new pneumococcal and meningococcal conjugated vaccines represent a new hope in the control of this infection. Objective: Evaluate the frequency of bacterial meningitis in a population of children from the North of the Country and to identify aspects related with the clinical findings, etiologic agents, therapeutic instituted and clinical evolution. Population and methods: This is a descriptive and retrospective study that includes the children admitted in three hospitals of the North of the country Maria Pia in Oporto, Senhora de Oliveira in Guimarães and Santa Luzia in Viana do Castelo. With th diagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis, for a two year's period (from January/2000 to March/2002). Results: We studied 46 cases, 20 boys and 26 girls, mean age of 36,6 months (from 1,5 a 144 months). Clinic presentation varied: fever was the most frequent manifestation (100%), followed by vomits, meningeal signs and purpuric rash.The empiric therapy more commondy used the were cephalosporin of third generation. A Bacterial agent was isolated in 73,9% of the cases. The most frequent isolated agents were the Neisseria meningitidis (73,5%) and the Streptococcus pneumoniae (20,6%). In the cases of meningococcic meningitis with determination of serogroup: eleven belonged to serogroup B (52,4%), eight to the C (38%), a case to serogrupo A and the other to the W135. Sepsis was the most frequent systemic complication and the N. meningitis was isolated in 90% of these cases. Convulsions represented the main neurological complication, being in the majority provoked by S. pneumoniae (71,4%). This agent was also the most frequently in the cases needing intensive care and presenting alterations of the cranial computed tomography. Seven children had sequels (15,2%), neurossensorial deafness, delay of psychomotor development and epilepsy. Conclusions: As refered in the literature the meningococcic meningitis represents the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis with known agent. We had predominance of serogrupo B, identified in 52,4 % of the cases with determined serogroup. The S. pneumoniae represented the second cause of bacterial meningitis and was related with the majority of neurological complications and sequels. We discuss the importance of new vaccines in the prevention of this illness and its use in our country.
- Microbiology of healthcare-associated infections and the definition accuracy to predict infection by potentially drug resistant pathogens: a systematic reviewPublication . Cardoso, T.; Almeida, M.; Carratalà, J.; Aragão, I.; Costa-Pereira, A.; Sarmento, A.; Azevedo, L.Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) represent up to 50 % of all infections among patients admitted from the community. The current review intends to provide a systematic review on the microbiological profile involved in HCAI, to compare it with community-acquired (CAI) and hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and to evaluate the definition accuracy to predict infection by potentially drug resistant pathogens.